some of you may know that you can slide an item for the appearance of walking down a long path. my question is if anyone can help me set a script causing it so stop scrollling. Can anyone help me?
PigsInSpace wrote:
some of you may know that you can slide an item for the appearance of walking down a long path. my question is if anyone can help me set a script causing it so stop scrollling. Can anyone help me?
Hm. Can you please link me to the project?
yes. I sort of want a "wall" so to speak where you don't go any further. If I go to far, I fall off my platform. I need it to stop going or at least connect to the other end.
sorry but I don't know how to edit posts. I will upload it and give you the link.
here's the link:
The 2 Movement Scripts should be:
Script 1:
Forever If < <[Left Arrow] Pressed> and <Not <(ScrollX) = (0) >
Change [ScrollX] by (5)
{End of Forever If}
Script 2:
Forever If < <[Right Arrow] Pressed> and <Not <(ScrollX) = (-1915) >
Change [ScrollX] by (-5)
{End of Forever If}
Last edited by laptop97 (2011-09-11 12:40:25)
k thanks i'll try that.