Hi everyone, I'm grandmaswingler and a definite newbie. I would really appreciate any help that you all can give me. Can anyone explain to me VERY SIMPLY, if and how you can any or all of your projects for other children to play at home on their DVD players? Thank you in advance for all your time and effort in helping me. I have a 9 month old grandson; I would like to be able to use this wonderful new tool to teach him so many things. I believe teaching and learning should be FUN and CREATIVE.
I don't think it is possible to burn a project onto a DVD player with Scratch. However, another user created a useful program that lets you put your program on a CD and then run it on another computer; even if the computer hasn't downloaded Scratch. I'm not sure if the program would fit your needs, but here is a link about it: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=5468
I hope I could help!
Okay...as long as the project just displays an animation or something, you can use a video capture program (such as CamStudio) to grab the images as they appear on the screen and convert them into a video format. Clearly, this would not work if the project were interactive at all. Videos made this way tend to be pretty grainy due to the coarse screen resolution that Scratch is limited to.
I'd love to give you a step-by-step simple process you can follow but I only did this once about a year ago and I didn't write it down. It was a bit of a struggle, getting the video and converting it to the format I was looking for and then burning it to a DVD. I think I used CamStudio and Windows Moviemaker but I'm not positive.