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i was about to check my messages and... it came up with that error. is this a bug? i don't know myself- its the first time i seen this 'bug'.
no screenshot, just white page with the error.
no new windows come up or get blocked by popup blockers
and thats all i know.
Already have a topic about it:
i got it again looking at a project.
I'm not sure what it is, but it shows up every once in a while. Normally, it doesn't do any damage, but it gets pretty annoying.
Why do I never get pratically no problems with scratch or the website????????This is scaring me. ;( I've only had one problem or 2..
1. Scratch paint editor is slow.
2. When I reply 2 comments it shows up with the stuff I wrote like 5 secs ago then it won't let me post anything...(This happens when I post1 reply then try to add another in that same comment...)
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