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#1 2009-01-29 23:14:34

Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 1000+


I Was Thinking..Since there are some remixes with scratch (BYOB and Chirp and others)
I Think There Should Be A Page Where You Can Upload Those Projects. Like When You Upload Icons For Your Account/User. Maybe you could Put It On A Wiki Page..(I Thought Of It Maybe Not Such A Good Idea To Put On A Wiki Page) Idk. Oh and about the wiki why is there like no actual wiki? there's wiki pages but no wiki front page or search thing...Thank For All Your Help Scratchers! (All Members and Scratch Team)



#2 2009-01-30 14:33:22

Scratch Team at MIT
Registered: 2007-03-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Upload/Download/Wiki

The wiki we currently have can be edited only by the Scratch Team and some other people like educators and translators.

It might be a good idea to have a wiki for everyone else. What are the different things it could be used for? How can we deal with vandalism without adding too much work to the Scratch Team? Are there some established members of the community who would be interested in being moderators of something like this?

Andres Monroy-Hernandez | Scratch Team at the MIT Media Lab
on and  twitter



#3 2009-01-30 14:57:03

Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Upload/Download/Wiki

I Don't Know. That's A Hard Question. What Does "vandalism" mean? Now The Mod Question. Its Just Me Right Now. But The Main Reason I Put Up This Topic Is For An Area For Uploading scratch projects like (game).exe instead of (game).sb and Remixes Of scratch.



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