I seem to be experiencing problems with several music pieces. They are titled Rever... Peut-etre... and are available under a CC license here. All of them, except for Track 2 are used in the Flash game "Codex of Alchemical Engineering", a game that I love. I am trying to import Track 1 into Scratch, and while the import works, what it imports is a 0 KB, 0:00 long track. The piece is 13.4 MB. However, there is a 20MB limit on Kongregate and together they are almost double that amount, so obviously the maker of CoAE figured out how to compress them somewhat. Is the problem file size. If so, how can I fix it, and if not, what IS the problem?
Lar-Rew wrote:
I seem to be experiencing problems with several music pieces. They are titled Rever... Peut-etre... and are available under a CC license here. All of them, except for Track 2 are used in the Flash game "Codex of Alchemical Engineering", a game that I love. I am trying to import Track 1 into Scratch, and while the import works, what it imports is a 0 KB, 0:00 long track. The piece is 13.4 MB. However, there is a 20MB limit on Kongregate and together they are almost double that amount, so obviously the maker of CoAE figured out how to compress them somewhat. Is the problem file size. If so, how can I fix it, and if not, what IS the problem?
The problem isn't the filesize, although you should probably compress them at some point, because Scratch won't let you upload projects of 10MB or more.
What happens is that Scratch is rather unreliable when it comes to importing MP3 files - try converting it to a WAV file and see what happens.