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This bug is giving a lot of trouble. When switching to Nepali language in Scratch activity for Sugar (on the OLPC XO), the text and buttons are too big and some buttons scroll out of the screen. All the UI elements for Nepali need to be the same size as they are for English.
Hi kafle, I think you already emailed us and John replied to your question. But in case other people have the same issues here is John's response:
The translator who created the Nepali translation set the Font-Scale to 1.6, which is large. He probably did that so that individual letters were easier to read, but the result is that buttons and other UI items grow to fix the text, resulting in things not fitting well, as you observed.
You can experiment with other font-scale settings by editing the file ne.po, which is inside the "locale" folder in the Scratch.activity folder. Look for:
msgid "Font-Scale"
msgstr "1.6"
and change the 1.6 to something smaller (try 1.2 or 1.3).
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