There's something with the gallery messages I don't understand. When you add your OWN project to a gallery, you get a message for it. When I added my "Shape Place" project to my "1-sprite 1-script" gallery, I got a message for it. If we've added the project to the gallery, I'm sure we already know about it, and don't need a message for it.
There's another thing I'd like to suggest, and that would be putting the user who added the project in the message. So, instead of "Your project "Shape Place" was added to the Gallery 1234 gallery" it would be "exampleuser647 added your project "Shape Place" to the "Gallery 1234" gallery".
Good ideas?
The first has been suggested already, and I support the second.
yeah, I already suggested the first part (maybe time for a bump? ) But I do like the second suggestion!