I'm looking for something a bit more extreme, such as this question. http://www.skytopia.com/project/imath/imath.html
The snooker table of doom.
I'd try this one, but I've got no idea how I'm supposed to solve that.
Last edited by Flait7 (2011-08-25 01:06:45)
Here's the second tutorial in the series! The next one will be 4lover's suggestion. I'd love feedback on how I could improve the tutorials to make them a bit more entertaining, and I'd love help with the math question. I kinda don't know how to solve it.
which one
Your suggestion for a super hard math question. I'm doing one called "The Snooker Table of Doom"
A 'snooker' table (measuring 8 metres by 4m) with 4 'pockets' (measuring 0.5m and placed at diagonal slants in all 4 corners) contains 10 balls (each with a diameter of 0.25m) placed at the following coords:
2m,1m...(white ball)
...and red balls...
1m,5m... 2m,5m... 3m,5m
1m,6m... 2m,6m... 3m,6m
1m,7m... 2m,7m... 3m,7m
The white ball is then shot at a particular angle from 0 to 360 degrees (0 being north, and going clockwise).
Just to make it clear, a ball is 'potted' if at least half of the ball is in area of the 'pocket'
Assuming the balls travel indefinitely (i.e. no loss of energy via friction, air resistance or collisions), answer the following:
a: What exact angle/s should you choose to ensure that all the balls are potted the quickest?
b: What is the minimum amount of contacts the balls can make with each other before they are all knocked in?
c: Same as b, except that each ball - just before it is knocked in - must not have hit the white ball on its previous contact (must be a red instead of course).
d: What proportion of angles will leave the white ball the last on the table to be potted?
If I can figure it out, I think I should just try to answer question A of the snooker table of doom.
my grandpa is REALLY GOOD AT MATH he has a doctorette for mathematics and graduated from Princeton and he coming over tommorow so I will jut ask him
ok but it turns out hell be coming tomorrow but tommorow I will post the ansewer
What about:
"How to open a portal to another reality by dividing by zero."
"How to eat fried worms"
or something else funny. I bet you'd get tons of views.