ideas_____________ (the ampvs go with the RPGS)
tigers of the mist RPG
warriors of the misty lands RPG
Combusken island Pokemon RPG
star's howl RPG (based of my voiced sieries on my other account, darkie-chan)
let me know wich one you think would be best, AMPVS would be:
tigers of the mist: Blacknight, dear agony
miststone:slipped away
the 7 gods (dont know the name of the song)
warriors of the misty lands RPG: Darkaroura, going under
griffinwing, dear Agony
(I could also make this a voiced sieries staring your cats)
combusken island pokemon RPG, i dont know yet
star's howl is pretty much on its own
Why'd you make another account?
And I'd say the first one (Tigers of the mist). I think you should probably change the name to something else, though. Almost all RPGs have that type of name.