Is there a possible way that something sense a color that touches an object? There is no "When color [] touches object ___" block, so I was wondering if it's possible. Is there a way to do that, or similar way to do that?
Turn the color part into a new sprite. Then in that sprite's scripts, put <touching[
Sorry if this doesn't work out.
scratchU8 wrote:
Oh, cool! I never thought of that!
You're welcome. Sometimes I come up with these type of problems. What you need to do is generalize related things and go through your problem step by step. Sounds kinda rational, geeky, but that's the way to do it.
scratchU8 wrote:
You the <color[ ]is over[ Block? That dosen't really work. But if you talking about another block, I have no clue what you're talking about. o.o;
No, i ment:
<color[ ]is touching [ ]>
I wonder if it would work (i hope it shows up)