(Okay so a while ago I found this thing called MS Paint Adventures and decided to do a spin-off of it in Scratch. Have fun!)
Basic Rules:
I've posted a scenario in which the character (you) which should somehow be indicated, are presented in a location in which you will suggest possibilities for actions. Eventually, I will post a picture along with the action and a response from your controlled character (like doing it or refusal or something). Please note that this will be a continuing story and if I ever get to the end, I'll post something with all of the pictures (if people like this enough.)
NOTE: The reason for the constant editing is because the images keep failing on me. Please politely disregard them.
ALSO NOTE: I don't have to use your suggestions, for whatever reason I have.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 20:15:47)
You find yourself in a jail cell. completely alone.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:00:47)
Pick up the key
>Pick up the key
>KEY added to inventory
>Okay, now what?
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:01:23)
Look out window!
>Look out window
>You see a guy
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:01:37)
it's ok I can still see them!
Yell to guy
>Yell to guy
>It doesn't seem like he can hear you.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:01:51)
>Through you pillow at the guy
>You don't have a pillow!
>Nonetheless, you throw your imaginary pillow at him
>Nothing happens
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:02:30)
You see if you can look elsewhere around the room
>You see if you can look elsewhere around the room
>Ignoring the incoherence of your command, you look around the cell.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:02:47)
Put pillow and pumpkin in inventory
>Put pillow and pumpkin in inventory.
>What pumpkin?
>Anyways, you put the pillow in your inventory.
>You are now facing south.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:03:25)
... Images broke... ...Except one :?
There was a Pumpkin! IT's alive! but anyways look though cell bar bars
>There was a Pumpkin! IT's alive! but anyways look through cell bar bars
>You remind yourself to use coherent sentences.
>You are quite sure there is not, and never will be, a pumpkin in this room!
>You look out the window again, assuming that it is the "cell bar bars", seeing a better drawn space. The guy is still down there.
>You are now this guy.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:03:57)
Oh I had meant the door bars but oh well
Cmd: Goto Door
Cmd: Open Door
Cmd: Go through the door
Cmd: Ask Creator if this is simple enough for the commands
Cmd: Eat an invisible cookie and high-five invisible friend.
Look up through window
Yell at guy through window
Last edited by floppy_gunk (2009-01-23 01:33:00)
>Goto Door
>You are already at the door.
>Open door
>The door is locked.
>Go through door
>The door is locked!
>Ask Creator if this is simple enough for the commands
>Boinoinoi tells you to just be specific and to get to the point. He then yells at you for breaking the fourth wall.
>Eat an invisible cookie and high-five invisible friend.
>You stuff your face with zero cookie. Your "invisible" friend leaves you hanging.
>Look up through window
>You look up AT two windows.
>Yell at guy through windows.
>A pillow hits you in the face.
>You find a KEY in the pillow.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-01-24 18:05:26)
And yes, I am wearing a trilby and yes, that is a wacom tablet.