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One of the HUGE frustrations of Scratch is that if you create an animation or game, you can only view or play it by having and loading Scratch. You can't pass it to someone else, nor upload it to something like YouTube because it won't run without Scratch itself.
There IS a solution for animations (but NOT, I'm afraid, games).
Use screen video capture software.
I was looking for a free program what would allow me to copy or download YouTube music and animation movies. I found several that worked very well without also recording any sound - but there were also one or two that DO record both moving images and associated soundtrack. Of these, one of the best is probably CAMSTUDIO. It is completely free and it doesn't take too long to learn how to use it. You do need to adjust sound input levels sometimes to avoid overdriving any soundtracks - but considering that it's free, it's well worth a try. If you have a Scratch project that runs like a NON-interactive movie, you can copy it and convert it to a movie file. (But be warned - file sizes tend to be Large with a capital 'L'). If you know how, you can experiment with different codecs.
Version 2 is available here
An updated version 2.5beta has also been released, but I haven't tried that one yet. (It's currently available in binary or source code form. If you intend to try it - download the binary. It can be run from that).
Read about it here -
and download here -
Oh yes - if you know the URL of a movie or animation that you want to download (eg: anything on YouTube), a truly easy and free program to use is SAVE2PC. It records both sound and visuals.
NOTE - this will NOT work with Scratch animation projects as they are not movies (for that you need something like CamStudio) - but I can vouch for how easily and quickly Save2PC works for YouTube movies.
Last edited by mohlar (2007-10-04 18:21:08)
Cool! A lot of people have been asking about this lately...
I would also recommend CamStudio. If you have Microsoft Office 97, in the \Valupack\Mscam folder on the Microsoft Office 97 compact disc, there is an app called Microsoft Camcorder. If you have Office 97, you might already have this installed.
The one drawback to Camcorder is it does not have sound.
Great suggestions. I wanted to point out exporting screen captured videos is also being discussed here:
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