K, so there's a new gallery called HELLO! except it only has one project. I need you guys to add all your projects there. Remember, even the galleries that has over one thousand projects start with one or none. Trust me, if you add all your projects to this gallery then people will realise it's there, and start storming your projects! Amazing, eh? Soon, it may have as much projects as ADD THEM ALL!!!! which means views! So add all your projects there, because the future of HELLO! gallery is up to you!
Link: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/38322 Have fun!
Actually, what tends to happen with "add them all" type galleries is that they quickly get so full of stuff that nobody can find anything in them anymore and people stop going there. If they want to look at a mammoth collection of random projects, they can just go to the Surprise channel on the Front Page.
It is far more effective to make "Themed" galleries around interests you have and give them good tags so people can find them with the Search box.
cepiolot wrote:
The new theme on HELLO! gallery is... action videos!
Great! I look forward to taking a look at what you end up collecting. You might also want to consider a name change for the gallery to reflect the theme..."The HELLO Action Video Gallery" maybe?
By the way, If you're looking for videos, this person makes some interesting ones...