I was thinking of making a game like many I've seen before, http://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/ being one of the seemingly well known ones on this website. What elements should I add to the game (ex, fire, nitro, water, c4, oil, stone, metal)? I'd love any ideas for different elements, especially ones that aren't found in the flash/java falling sand games.
uranium! turns other elements radioactive!
Check out Powder toy http://powdertoy.co.uk/
It's an awesome program, it's like that but with many more things. You could add some stuff of that
In my school, where people play on the computer all day, around half of them are on there. It's quite fun to make explosions.
But, making a particles game would be hard work. I tried to make a collab like this, but only one person joined
This is a particles project on Scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/ASDev/1926982
It's pretty good, though as you see, as there's no cloning device, you'd need many sprites (1 for each particle). So, I'd recommend waiting for 2.0, as I think there'll be a clone block.
They should yurn really big or small (its up to you) and be green and be oddly shaped
Death_Wish wrote:
In my school, where people play on the computer all day
Lucky. My school is where you sit and listen to a boring person talk.
Lead! Falls faster than all other elements!
there is a clone button on scratch
I knew there was a duplicate button, but I can only duplicate the sprite so many times before it just turns into a lagfest O-o I was thinking of making a beta version with a couple hundred or a thousand "dots" or so to see how well it turns out online.
well you could look at my project cube runner on scratch which im to lazy to post a link on but you can find it under my projects list. If you download it and look at the scripts my projects scripts implements what you want
videogame9 wrote:
Death_Wish wrote:
In my school, where people play on the computer all day
Lucky. My school is where you sit and listen to a boring person talk.
Lead! Falls faster than all other elements!
I don't play games in school, I listen. It's also in Spanish, that's why, if I don't pay attention I'm screwed
But I'm pretty sure you should make it in Scratch 2.0. You should also probably ask andres or paddle if there'll be a clone block in a comment or something.