I plan to make some kind of anti-terrorist game, but I also want the main enemy to be disturbing in a way, and make him really hateable. I know that making you all see people being tied up by barbed wire is too much, but is the project likely to get flagged out of the site if I make references to that?
I dont get what you want.
hes asking about the violance limit of a project. In my opinion as long as it has a point, and not pointless gore/violance then it should be ok. However because this is a all audiance site, id suggest that blood, ograns ect.. be kept to a minimum.
Mods, and the team will give you better guidance though
yambanshee wrote:
hes asking about the violance limit of a project. In my opinion as long as it has a point, and not pointless gore/violance then it should be ok. However because this is a all audiance site, id suggest that blood, ograns ect.. be kept to a minimum.
Mods, and the team will give you better guidance though
Oh ok, i agree with you.