I have created a variable called fruit and assigned it the value orange.
[blocks]<when green flag clicked> <set{fruit }to( "Mango")<say[ fruit]
The problem is that when I click the sprite it says fruit and NOT Mango which is what the fruit variable has been assigned.
Any suggestions.
ashfm wrote:
I have created a variable called fruit and assigned it the value orange.
[blocks]<when green flag clicked> <set{fruit }to( "Mango")<say[ fruit]
The problem is that when I click the sprite it says fruit and NOT Mango which is what the fruit variable has been assigned.
Any suggestions.
Sorry the value assigned to fruit is orange and not mango.
scimonster wrote:
Echactly. Except you might want to put in a one that has say fruit for 2 seconds or any amount of seconds.