I created this script:
<when I receive[ 1
<change{ }by( 1
but instead of increasing only by 1 it constantly increases please help me
Last edited by 4lover (2011-08-11 19:33:12)
Well, I would guess that the message keeps betting broadcast somehow. I can't really tell anything without seeing everything else, but check your scripts. There's probably one somewhere that gets stuck in a broadcasting loop.
bob6 wrote:
<when green flag clicked>
<broadcast[ 1
Did you do this and then that? Because if you did it would constantly broadcast 1, making the first script (On the top of the page) keep on going in an infinite loop, until the project is stopped.
tri adding
<when green flag clicked>
<change{ x }by( 1 )
<wait( .9 )secsc>
Try This...
<when I receive[ 1
<change{ whatever }by( 1
<stop script>
Ive tried that but it doesnt work and its really necessary for our zombie game
Oh yeah! Hmm, I don't know. Do you have somewhere where it says
<broadcast[ Whatever
You may be brodcasting too many times.
You could also use
You could have
<when green flag clicked>
<set{ Brodacst }to(False
Instead of having 'Brodcast whatever' you could use
<set{ Brodcast }to(True
and then, instead of having 'When I recieve whatever' You could have
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if> <( <{ Whatever }> <=> True )>
And then what ever you want after that.
Sorry if any of my blocks are wrong.
Hope this helps!