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#3451 2011-08-12 21:02:41

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

geohendan wrote:

Minecraft needs more liquids.

Oh, and hunger! I can't wait for that  big_smile

Like what types of liquids? Acid?

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3452 2011-08-12 21:04:47

Registered: 2009-01-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Wouldn't chains be cool? You would use them to hook together minecarts. TRAINS  big_smile

I think there is a mod, but it's not very popular, very glitchy and laggy.

`                        Click here for my YouTube channel!                        `



#3453 2011-08-12 22:54:49

Registered: 2010-02-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

BomberE wrote:

Nexstudent wrote:

I'm thinking of making a video previewing the Herobrine mod.

Should I do it?

Yes!!!! And Post a link to the mod.

I've decided NOT to show the mod, because it is very unpredictable, and at times it isn't a very good concept for videos. I'm new to this video thing, so editing is new to me also.



#3454 2011-08-12 23:32:01

Registered: 2007-09-22
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

The-Whiz wrote:

ihaveamac's Minecraft Server[trustworthy][personally hosted]

Yay, my own badge.  tongue

I never knew we had a classic server hosted here. I never knew how to host one, since it doesn't give me a link to it (that url that has &ip= or something doesn't work) and I was never able to connect to it.

And just so you know, when the server has a real name and is up 24/7, it will have a new topic.

Last edited by ihaveamac (2011-08-12 23:39:02)

~ihaveamac - visit



#3455 2011-08-12 23:42:38

Registered: 2010-08-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

du vet, Minecraft ar svensk.

-iNetMaster-'s not dead, get used to it. ! big_smile .



#3456 2011-08-12 23:44:57

Registered: 2007-09-22
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

TVflea wrote:

du vet, Minecraft ar svensk.
You know, Minecraft is Swedish.

I think we do.

~ihaveamac - visit



#3457 2011-08-12 23:58:21

Registered: 2010-08-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

ihaveamac wrote:

TVflea wrote:

du vet, Minecraft ar svensk.
You know, Minecraft is Swedish.

I think we do.

bara uthyrning du vet...

-iNetMaster-'s not dead, get used to it. ! big_smile .



#3458 2011-08-13 11:50:18

Registered: 2008-05-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Lol, a chicken just walked into my house while the door was open. xD



#3459 2011-08-13 12:33:52

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 500+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

The Sheep Plague

This happened on my server,
but instead of using conventional ways,  i used lightning to take care of it.(there were literally 1000's of them.

Last edited by Alliance (2011-08-13 12:34:25)



#3460 2011-08-13 14:10:28

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Alliance wrote:

The Sheep Plague

This happened on my server,
but instead of using conventional ways,  i used lightning to take care of it.(there were literally 1000's of them.


hey kiddoes i'm back



#3461 2011-08-13 20:30:58

Registered: 2008-07-17
Posts: 17

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Hi fellow scratch minecrafters  tongue

I obviously didnt read all 139 pages of PURE MINECRAFTING,so could you all help me out on that? Thank you  big_smile



#3462 2011-08-14 04:39:24

Registered: 2010-02-22
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Terrain generator FAIL
As you can (probably) see, that is above the max building height, and I didn't use any cheats!



#3463 2011-08-14 09:19:21

Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

77,000 views on this topic.




#3464 2011-08-14 09:28:30

Registered: 2010-02-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

I've decided I'm not going to do mod previews, so I'll just start my LP...



#3465 2011-08-14 15:20:23

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Please direct anybody hesitant of playing Minecraft to the Official Minecraft Demo

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3466 2011-08-14 15:25:09

Registered: 2007-09-22
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Please direct anybody hesitant of playing Minecraft to the Official Minecraft Demo

Just so you all know, that is a small version of Minecraft Beta 1.3.

~ihaveamac - visit



#3467 2011-08-14 15:36:06

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

ihaveamac wrote:

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Please direct anybody hesitant of playing Minecraft to the Official Minecraft Demo

Just so you all know, that is a small version of Minecraft Beta 1.3.

With PC World stickers on animals and autodeleting worlds after 90 minutes

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3468 2011-08-14 16:04:44

Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

My minecraft story. (I will use random people, who can ask to be removed if they want)

Day 1
I open my eyes to greet the glaring sun, beating down around me. I turn my head so as to avoid its deadly rays and dig my hands into the sand. Sand! But, I was in bed! Why would there be sand. I shake my hands free of the stuff and open my eyes weakly. I get up and look around. No, I'm definitely not in my bed. I'm on a beach. I look at the sea, waveless, still. I think something is wrong with my eyesight, everything seems to be made of cubes. I drag my feet along the sand to the water's edge. I look into the sea and faintly make out some sort of creature. I begin to back away before realising it is just a squid. I turn around to answer my suspicions. Yes, everything is made of cubes.
     I squint into the forest directly next to the beach and make out movement. I slowly advance forward. A small bird walks out from behind a tree. A chicken. But that wasn't what I'd seen. It was larger, more human shaped.
     "Something wrong?" I whip around to see the owner of the voice. Another human, at least, he looks human. He seems more robotic, his features less detailed.
     "Who are you?" I ask, "Where am I?"
     The person smiles. "My name is TheWhiz. And you're in minecraft."
     "Minecraft," he corrects me.
     "Right, got it. Minecraft. So, why am I here? Where is here?"
     He shrugs. "We don't know. Every know and then someone appears here. I just joined a few hours ago. I wandered into the woods and met Murpho."
     "So, what shall we do?" I ask.
     "Hm, well you'll need a shelter for a start. We'll need wood for that."
     "How do we get wood, then?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.
     "Well, we get it from trees of course."
     "Well, have you got a chainsaw or something?" He sighs.
     "Punch it."
     "Punch it. Punch the tree. Don't worry, it won't hurt."
     "Alright." I walk up to the closest tree, the one which the chicken had come from. I punch it for a while until the block pops out. I back off quickly, expecting the tree to fall down. At this TheWhiz just laughs.
     "No, don't worry. Physics doesn't seem to work here." Slightly reassured I head back to the tree and finish it off.
     And so, until nightfall TheWhiz shows me how everything works. He teaches me crafting, building and some mining. And by dusk I'm feeling quite confident although still a little confused. We had set up a small base camp in a hill. As I settle down in the  small bed TheWhizz created for me I think about the monsters TheWhiz had told me about.
     The zombies- minecrafters who had died many years ago in the battle of the ghasts. The skeletons- minions of a dark lord. A minecrafter who turned bad. Driven to madness as he watched his friends slaughtered before his very eyes. In his madness he had destroyed something known as respawning. Meaning that if you die, you can't come back. TheWhiz told me of a battle that had started. The minecrafters against the dark lord. Herobrine. TheWhiz tells me how 12 minecrafters attacked the castle. They fought and fought but lost the battle. In the end only 4 survived, one later died in a raid of herobrine's minions. The three remaining were known as Murpho, Illusionist and Diadaros. Slowly I fall to sleep and wake the next morning to greet a bright sunrise.

Day 2.
As my eyes adjust to the new light I look around, what had started as a 5 by 5 2 high little hole. It is now a larger building with a small watchtower accessible via a ladder. TheWhiz had obviously been working through the night.
     "Morning," he says.
     "Morning..." I mutter. I am at the door when TheWhiz stops me. "Are you mad?"
     "What?" I say.
     "There are still creature out there, those who haven't fled to the caves will still survive the very morning."
     "Well, then can't I fight them?" I ask.
     "I suppose, here" He throws me a short stone sword. It's light and easy to use. I slowly peak outside the door and then sprint across to the beach. I swerve round to greet my opponents. TheWhiz had described them the previous morning. I make out 2 zombies and a spider heading towards me. I run towards the spider and swing my sword but the spider jumps out the way. I hit the zombie behind it though, so it wasn't so much of a waste. As the spider lands on me I feel a sudden ache and realise it's injuring me. I decide the spider is the main threat and leap to the side and swing my sword at the spider. I hit it but it then attacks me again, injuring me further. I attack it more until I see it dissolve and a piece of string fall in its place. I stuff it in my pocket and take on the zombies.
     After a few minutes I've taken them down too, but am barely able to move. I collapse on the sand as a pair of hands grabs me. Probably a zombie, come to finish me off.
     I wake up back in bed, feeling much better. I see TheWhiz standing by the bed holding a piece of pork. He gives it to me and bite it. It seems to act as some sort of medicine as I immediately feel a lot better.
     "Thanks," I mutter.
     "I don't think close combat is your thing, Werd," he says. That's the first time he has said my name. "You should try out a bow." I get out of bed, intrigued by this idea.
     "Can I try now?" I ask.
     "Well, all the monsters are gone but we have some targets up in the village you can try." The village, which I hear is called Heralania is a good walk from the base. It is in the middle of the forest and is surrounded by a high wall. I find an entrance and see a guard.
     "Name?" he says.
     "I'm TheWhiz and this is Werd, a newly spawned. The guard nods and opens the gate. I walk through and see the village. A fairly large place with lots of houses and a few shops. Whiz points to a long, clear bit of land.
     "That's where we are heading." We walk up to it and Whiz passes me the bow and a handful of arrows. I load the bow and aim it towards the first target. It hits in the second outer ring. Whiz nods approvingly.
     "Not bad for a first." I use the other 4 arrows and 2 get a bullseye.
     "You know, you keep that bow. It's more use to you." He gives me 7 more arrows and I thank him.
     "What now?"
     "Well, you have proved you could be useful in battle," he says. His voice hushes a bit and he looks around to check nobody is in earshot. "Word has it," he says, "That the remaining 3 are planning to try another attack. An attack on Herobrine's castle. They're looking for helpers. I volunteered and am now with them. I think you could be useful. Diadaros is pretty handy with a bow, you could work with him. Illusionist is leading the operation and is planning how to attack. Murpho and me will be fighting on the front line, with swords." He gives me time to go over what he has said and then continues, "In the last battle it wasn't just our side with fatalities. Herobrine's armies fell and what little resistance he had left fled in battle. But he is recruiting. He now has 24 followers. They are known as the Shadows. They are fierce and will kill anything that gets in their way..."
     "I'll help," I say. "When is this attack planned for?"
     "I know this won't give you much time to practise but... tomorrow."
     "Well, I better get practising," I say. I go and collect the arrows I'd shot and return to Whiz. "What must I do?" I whisper, trying hard to keep the fear out of my voice.
     "You'll need some armour first. And then more arrows, you only have 12 now."
     "Where do I get armour?"
     "Diadaros will be willing to give you some arrows, and I'll supply the armour. But he'll need something to trade for the arrows."
     "What can I get?"
     "Well, you should hunt. It's getting dark now anyway. Collect what you can. Oh, and if you get lost..." He rummages in his backpack for a minute before he brings out a compass. "Use this. It points towards where you spawned in." I take the compass, shove it in my pocket, beside the string and feathers. I give him a nod and head out the gate.
     The night is cold but I resist it. I spot movement in the distance. I make out a group of skeletons. I haven't attacked any skeletons yet, so this would be a good opportunity to practise. I hide behind a nearby tree and slowly poke my head round. They haven't noticed me. I'm worried. If I shoot them they will spot me and attack in a group. They would overpower me. I have to split them up. I get an idea and shoot an arrow to the left of the group. It startles them and 2 head in the direction of the arrow. Two I can take on alone. I run out from my hiding place and shoot one in the head. It crumples over in a pile of bones and arrows.
    I'm about to take out the next one when an arrow finds its way to my leg. The other 2 have spotted me. I hide behind a tree but know because of the sounds of nearby skeletons that they know I'm there. I charge out and shoot 2 arrows into the group. One finds its way into a skeletons arm and it drops to the ground, the other whizzing past them. I'm down to 8 arrows. I shoot at the remaining 2 but miss them narrowly. I shoot twice more and they both hit the closest one and it crumples down. I shoot once more and kill the last one.
    7 arrows used and 4 skeletons dead. I know I would not find the arrows at this time at night so abandon the thought of retrieving them. Although there was that arrow that shot me. I can use that. I walk to the skeletons bodies and retrieve 3 arrows and 4 bones from them. I now have 9 arrows. The night seems silent so I head back to the village. But I don't make it before 2 creepers walk out from behind some trees. I shoot 3 arrows but none find their targets. I shoot again and take the first creeper down. The second gets close and explodes. I'm flown backwards into a field of long grass and am knocked unconscious. I am easy prey.

Day 3
I finally wake and it seems I haven't been spotted. Probably hidden by the grass. The sun has just begun its rise and I start to hurry back to the village. A zombie blocks my path but I easily take him out. When I reach the village I go over my findings. 1 sulphur pile, 4 bones, 1 feather and 5 arrows left. A fairly successful trip. I walk into the village to find TheWhiz having a sword fight with someone who I assume to be Murpho. Eventually TheWhiz falls to the ground and Murpho laughs. It's just a practise battle of course.
     "Ah, you must be Werdna! Whiz has been telling me about you. Got anything on your trip?" I show him my bag of stuff and he laughs. That's quite good for a start. That should be enough to buy about 20 more arrows."
     "Diadaros is over there," Whiz says, pointing to somebody sitting on a bench.
     "Hello Diadaros," I say. "I'd like to buy some arrows."
     "Of course," he says. "What do you have to pay?" I put the string and feather from my second day in my bag and show him the contents. 3 feathers. 1 string. 1 gunpowder. 4 bones.
     "I'll take the string and the gunpowder for 18 arrows. And 1 feather for another 2."
I give him the stuff and he gives me 20 arrows. I now have 25.
     "I heard you were joining our little group," he says.
     "Yes," I say blandly. "When are we leaving?"
     "Right now," he says. "After you get your armour." I walk up to Whiz who is talking plans with Murpho.
     "Whiz, I need armour!" I say.
     "Yes, yes, it's in the chest," he says before continuing the discussion. I look in the chest and find a fine pair of gleaming iron armour. I slip it on and find it is very heavy, though it fits just right. Armour on, bow in hand. I think I might stand a chance against this Herobrine after all. Murpho looks at his clock and gasps.
     "We should be going now," he says. Diadaros crosses over to me, Whiz and Murpho. They wait for Illusionist to arrive before heading off. Herobrine's castle is in some far away mountains across the sea. The walk across the forest is short and uneventful, except for the occasional zombie which Murpho and Whiz take out alone. Eventually they get to the sea and Werd asks:
     "How do we get across?"
     Murpho replies, "You, Whiz and Illusionist will go by boat. Me and Dia will swim." He then places down 3 boats into the water. I step into it and look across the water. I see nothing, just water as far as I can see. How Murpho and Dia will get across I do not know. Anyway, the boat is easy enough to control and I quickly get the hang of it. The boat ride takes about 10 minutes before something happens. Illusionist has crashed his boat on a rock. Whiz and I get out our boats and swim over to the rock we stop on the rock for a quick break before looking back. Murpho and Dia are nowhere in sight. Whiz decides he can swim and gives his boat to Illusionist. After a minute we're back on track. After another 5 minutes we hit land. We dock our boats in some reeds and sit down on the beach while we wait for the others. Whiz of course is the first to arrive. We wait 20 minutes with no sight of the others before we decide to go looking for them.
That's when we hear the scream.
Whiz is on before we know what's happened. He's swimming through the sea faster than we can run! We follow behind him in the boats. We find Murpho on the rock Illusionist crashed on.
     "They took him!" Murpho shouts. "The squids, they, they, I don't know. Something happened and Dia was sucked under. I tried to help but he drowned before I could save him. One man down already. It takes a while to calm Murpho down and the sun is setting. They decide to make camp on the rocks. We lie down and go to sleep, leaving Illusionist guard.

Day 4
We wake the next day and set off straight away. After 10 minutes we're all gathered at the beach. Me and Illusionist scout the area checking for traps or monsters. The terrain was hilly with few trees. Far east is a desert and up from the beach is a group of tall mountains. We encounter a group of spiders but we are fully loaded with food so it's not a problem. Illusionist points to a mountain.
     "On that mountain is Herobrine's base. The last time we attacked we had a distinct disadvantage which was the fact that as we climbed the mountain herobrine's armies could shoot down on us. By the time we'd got to the top we only had 8 left. Then there was the battle. 3 died in that and 1 died as we fled. But we have better plans now. We are going to attack from another mountain. We will create a bridge going  from one to the other.  But we also have another advantage. There are a group of minecrafters hidden in a cave in the mountain we're attacking from. On our side. There are 14 of them, making 18 of us. But their weapons are not great. Stone or wooden swords. Some have no weapons at all and are going to fight with their fists." We walk back down to the others. We tell them that the coast is clear and we should go in now. We walk up the hills and across the valleys until I make out a small opening in the side of a large mountain. We pick up pace a bit and are there in minutes. We greet the 14 minecrafters and Murpho and Illusionist discuss the plans with them.
     Finally they are ready to go. 6 of the group carry wood for the bridge. The others hold swords or nothing. A few have basic armour, leather and a few iron. We go out the cave and head up the mountain. It's hard and we end up going in a sort of zigzag fashion. Finally we reach the top and stop for a rest. Murpho is handing out some better armour and swords to the group of 14. Whiz gives 3 of them bows and arrows.
     The 6 go to the edge and discuss how to do the bridge. Finally they work out a plan and begin to lay out the bridge. It takes a surprisingly short time and they are well over half way before they are spotted. Arrows fly whizzing past us. 1 hits the first builder and he trips and falls over the edge. I grit my teeth and fire back. Not many of the 24 followers can use a bow. I think I can see 6 of them with bows although most are seem very inexperienced with them and miss the bridge by a long way. After a while one of the group shoots down a follower. He collapses on the ground pushing another off the mountain. 2 down, 23 to go.
     By the time we reach the end 3 of ours have gone down. The ones with swords charge at the followers and a big battle rages. I shoot madly and see followers dropping down now and then.
     "Retreat!" Murpho shouts, "Back to the mountain, we can-" That's when the sword slashes him down his back. He falls forward onto the ground. The arrow hits the killer before he can realise what's happening. The group retreats except for a few who stay to hold off the followers. The group meets in the middle of the bridge. We count who's left. 10. There were the 3 who died on the bridge. And then 3 must have died in the battle. An then there's Murpho, lost in battle. We sigh and look back towards the castle. And that's when we see the TNT. The group splits up, running to different ends of the bridge. Some of us don't make it and are blown up. Illusionist is one of them. I watch as the last surviving member of the original group of attackers is blown to pieces. All the minecrafters who had the planks are now dead so it cannot be fixed. I look around. 3 died in the explosion and 2 are now on the other side of the bridge. There's just 5 of us left able to fight. Me, Whiz and 3 minecrafters. We fight through the night until it's just me, whiz and 1 minecrafter, but the 2 who got split off have found the resources to build a bridge. They join the fights until all the followers are dead. We realise that some people haven't died, but just collapsed. We go round healing them as much as we can. By the end of it we have 7 people. Me, Whiz and 5 minecrafters. But the fight is not over. We still have to destroy Herobrine.

Day 5
We group together and try to work out a plan. The gate into the castle is open. The followers opened it. We creep through and decide to split up in search of Herobrine. We will meet back at the gate in 5 minutes. I go with 2 minecrafter, 2 others go together, and Whiz goes with 1. My group heads through a maze of tunnels and stairs. We search various rooms and find a stock of weapons and armour. We take some of this to re-prepare ourselves. All the arrows have been taken into battle though. I now have just 2 arrows. The rest of the group takes new armour and better swords. We then continue through the caste until we decide to head back.
     At the gate we meet with the others. Whiz says he saw him in a tower. He says he has diamond armour and diamond weapons. He's also pretty handy with a bow. We decide we can only attack him in a group. We need to make him come down to meet us. I suggest using my old strategy of shooting to get their attention. They agree and I head up another tower while the group heads to the bottom of Herobrine's. They give the signal that they are ready - A bird's hoot - and I take out my bow, load it and shoot at Herobrine. Of course it merely bounces off with his armour but it's enough to alert him. He picks up his sword and runs down the tower. I signal back to the group and run to meet them.
     When I get there a battle is already going on. Five of them are already fighting him. I see the sixth lying motionless on the floor. Herobrine is swinging his sword, knocking the group back. It dawns on me that the armour will defend any attack. It must have a weak spot... And there it is! A small gap in the neck. This is my chance. I shoot with my last arrow at the gap and he cries in pain. As a last attack he explodes! He sends the group flying, killing all of them.



#3469 2011-08-14 18:58:42

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Can you delete the server stuff and replace it with a link to the server topic? And there's also a new topic for fanfics, so maybe you could link that too?

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3470 2011-08-14 19:03:33

Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Can you delete the server stuff and replace it with a link to the server topic? And there's also a new topic for fanfics, so maybe you could link that too?


My latest creation:



#3471 2011-08-14 19:38:11

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

The-Whiz wrote:

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Can you delete the server stuff and replace it with a link to the server topic? And there's also a new topic for fanfics, so maybe you could link that too?


My latest creation: … 180043.png


Super jelly right now

And why no link to server/fanfic page from here? :C

Last edited by GirWaffles64 (2011-08-14 19:39:31)

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3472 2011-08-14 20:55:57

Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

GirWaffles64 wrote:

The-Whiz wrote:

GirWaffles64 wrote:

Can you delete the server stuff and replace it with a link to the server topic? And there's also a new topic for fanfics, so maybe you could link that too?


My latest creation: … 180043.png


Super jelly right now

And why no link to server/fanfic page from here? :C

Server is

It's in the creative world (Item spawning) - but you have to become a veteran by playing 35 hours on the server before you can go to the creative world. :C



#3473 2011-08-14 23:04:34

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

The-Whiz wrote:

GirWaffles64 wrote:

The-Whiz wrote:


My latest creation: … 180043.png


Super jelly right now

And why no link to server/fanfic page from here? :C

Server is

It's in the creative world (Item spawning) - but you have to become a veteran by playing 35 hours on the server before you can go to the creative world. :C

No, I meant on the main post of this thread. Why no link on the first page to server and fanfic topic?

hey kiddoes i'm back



#3474 2011-08-15 07:35:33

Registered: 2009-10-16
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

Anybody buy MC this weekend? Because you get a free gift code with your purchase!

The Intergalactic Adventures of Revesilia! I hope you will partake in this gigantic undertaking, to build the sequel to the hit map The Adventures of Revesilia! The Intergalactic Adventures of Revesilia Map Builders Application thread!



#3475 2011-08-15 07:37:13

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Minecraft Official Topic

rabbit1131 wrote:

Anybody buy MC this weekend? Because you get a free gift code with your purchase!

RAGE FT777w!!!



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