I was just wondering if BYOB will work on other scratches? I was going to make a Blender model importer and considered using a primitive_add_vertex and primitive_apply_shader block but I am unsure...
Umm..... Huh??
I think so
It should work with any non official version of scratch.
Hi Rithix,
the BYOB prototype which lets you experiment with building your own custom blocks within Scratch is currently an incompatible derivative of Scratch. I decided to make BYOB's file format completely non-working with Scratch in order to avoid any confusion and to not give the impression, that BYOB was in any way were Scratch is officially headed. This means that you cannot open projects created in BYOB in Scratch, and you cannot open Scratch projects in BYOB. I'm actually contemplating changing the latter in the next BYOB version, though...