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#1 2011-08-14 14:41:02

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Tips on how to get your projects noticed

Are you unnoticed? Do you want to be noticed? Do you want more views on your projects?

Then you've come to the right place!


Most scratchers go unnoticed, even though they may be very good. I'm not famous. I don't care. The people who are famous deserve it. But, you must be wondering, how did they get so famous?

Tip 1:

Spam a little, but do it correctly.

Spamming is annoying. Everybody hates it. But, if you do it correctly, it's not that annoying.

Bad spam: (link to project)


Good spam: Wow, this project is amazing! I really like it. It's almost like mine. You can view it here: (link to project)


Don't do that too much, but just a few of them will get 30-40 views per project commented with that. Make sure the projects are related, though.

Tip 2:

Actually spend time on projects.

Make quality projects, not just stick figures talking, though some people have gotten famous by doing that.
(Example: SpriteMaster)

Make good games. With original sprites, easy gameplay, a menu, and almost no glitches.(Example: The Revenant; by Nitezscratch)

That's a good game with awesome gameplay and cutscenes with no glitches (except for the minor one, going through platforms sometimes)

Tip 3:

Use show and tell and tag (reasonably)

Write topics in Show and Tell. A lot of people go there.

Bad S&T Topic: OMG Lookz at this! itz soo coolz! Look noawz. (link)


Good S&T Topic: This is my game! It's really cool! It has some great sprites, a good storyline (explain storyline), and (other features). (link) While you're at it, check out my other projects! Thanks, and scratch on!

(don't lie, though. if it has bad sprites and you say it has good ones, you'll get less views)

Tag. You have to tag.
Most projects go unnoticed because they don't get search credit. When you search "games" your project will not come up if it's not tagged "games". Still, only tag it "games" if it's a game.

Posting tips will be good, and I might put some user-created tip in here.

Last edited by owetre18 (2011-10-08 10:46:52)



#2 2011-08-14 16:14:24

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed


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#3 2011-08-14 16:42:35

Registered: 2011-04-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

Bawmp: Bawmp detected.

I'm back.



#4 2011-08-14 17:55:48

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

DigiTechs wrote:

Bawmp: Bawmp detected.

Ramdom spam?



#5 2011-08-14 18:27:40

Registered: 2011-07-26
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

owetre18 wrote:

DigiTechs wrote:

Bawmp: Bawmp detected.

Ramdom spam?

I'm pretty sure that was a bump xD
But good post, though maybe some more tips would be nice.

With a straight flush.



#6 2011-08-14 18:30:32

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

Death_Wish wrote:

owetre18 wrote:

DigiTechs wrote:

Bawmp: Bawmp detected.

Ramdom spam?

I'm pretty sure that was a bump xD
But good post, though maybe some more tips would be nice.

Yeah, I was tired, but I had a snack and I feel better now.



#7 2011-08-14 19:01:43

Registered: 2008-06-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

Tip #1. is invalid. I hate it when people do both of those things.

Tip #3. is invalid. A lot of people go to show and tell. You don’t.

"I've worked so hard for you and you give me nothing in return. Do you need help... Or do I?"



#8 2011-08-14 19:10:12

Registered: 2011-06-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

owetre18 wrote:

Are you unnoticed? Do you want to be noticed? Do you want more views on your projects?

Then you've come to the right place!


Most scratchers go unnoticed, even though they may be very good. I'm not famous. I don't care. The people who are famous deserve it. But, you must be wondering, how did they get so famous?

Tip 1:

Spam a little, but do it correctly.

Spamming is annoying. Everybody hates it. But, if you do it correctly, it's not annoying.

Bad spam: (link to project)


Good spam: Wow, this project is amazing! I really like it. It's almost like mine. You can view it here: (link to project)


Don't do that too much, but just a few of them will get 30-40 views per project commented with that. Make sure the projects are related, though.

Tip 2:

Actually spend time on projects.

Make quality projects, not just stick figures talking, though some people have gotten famous by doing that.
(Example: SpriteMaster)

Make good games. With original sprites, easy gameplay, a menu, and almost no glitches.(Example: The Revenant; by Nitezscratch)

That's a good game with awesome gameplay and cutscenes with no glitches (except for the minor one, going through platforms sometimes)

Tip 3:

Use show and tell and tag (reasonably)

Write topics in Show and Tell. Not many people go there, but it's a start.

Bad S&T Topic: OMG Lookz at this! itz soo coolz! Look noawz. (link)


Good S&T Topic: This is my game! It's really cool! It has some great sprites, a good storyline, and (other peatures). (link) While you're at it, check out my other projects! Thanks, and scratch on!


Tag. You have to tag.
Most projects go unnoticed because they don't get search credit. When you search "games" your project will not come up if it's not tagged "games". Still, only tag it "games" if it's a game.

I do Step 2 and Step 3 but no tagging.

View my projects. Or face The scratch curse! (Get it?)



#9 2011-08-14 19:12:37

Registered: 2011-07-26
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

For tip 3: You should tell them to talk about the storyline, not only say it has a good one.

With a straight flush.



#10 2011-10-08 10:43:51

Registered: 2009-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on how to get your projects noticed

Okay, mods, this is my old project and I am bumping it. So no, not a necro-post, just want to keep working on this from a while ago.



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