I'm trying to make a scrolling game with this by Liquidmetal: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/LiquidMetal/1920486 . I'm trying to make it so that some parts are outlined with black, so you know you can't get in...but how do I stop the sprite from going into these places? Please reply!
<if><key[ right arrow ]pressed?>
<change{ scrollx }by( 2 )>
<if><touching color[ black ]>
<change{ scrollx }by( -4 )>
No problem. Oh, and for more information: I made it change scrollx by -4 which counteracts the scrollx by 2 before it. In a non-scroller, this could be a perfect counter-action and it would look better, but since there is a slight delay in scrollers, I thought that doubling the original move would be safer. You could try making it scrollx by -2 instead of -4 and it may look better, or you could get stuck in a wall.
That's a problem that's more tricky than it looks. I have a maze game in my stuff that trys to do that and I never can quite get all the bugs out of it.