did you just repeat yourself?
I'm a little confused here. You said you want it to do something, then keep doing the same thing when it touches another sprite. I assume you want something different than that, but I'm not sure what.
Locomule wrote:
post your project, then link to it here to get better responses
Hey, you're back!
um try puting it at the wall also make walls for sprites than add this script
<when green flag clicked>
<move( 10 )steps>
<touching[ wall<turn cw( 180 )degrees>
<move( 1 )steps>
<turn cw( 90 )degrees>
happyg01 wrote:
sorry i mean i want it 2 go counter clock wive on the edge and wen it hits sprite number2 i want it to go anti clock wise
sorry about tat
Do you mean you want the sprite to go clockwise when it hits sprite2? Anti-clockwise is the same thing as counterclockwise.
slayerrobe7 wrote:
um try puting it at the wall also make walls for sprites than add this script
<when green flag clicked>
<move( 10 )steps>
<touching[ wall<turn cw( 180 )degrees>
<move( 1 )steps>
<turn cw( 90 )degrees>
That will not work. You can't put any blocks after a forever ends.
happyg01 wrote:
Im trying to get my sprite to move counter clockwise on the edge of the screen and wen it touches the second sprite i want it to move counter clock wise on the edge of the screen can any1 help.
All your posts are quite confusing. Post the project. Then we can help much easily.