A remix is a rebuild of a project basicially.
For instance, lets say you created the project "Example2". Well, I downloaded it and changed a few things and then put it online. It'll be a remix of your example2.
fg123 wrote:
ok.. so basically, you would have to rename it?
If you want, you don't have to. You change someone's project around, and upload it with any name you want.
A remix is where you download someone's project, change a few things, and then upload the project back onto the internet with YOUR name. Then, underneath your project, it will say who made the project in the first place. For example, say you downloaded a project called: "Dancing Cat", by randomname_123, and then you added a costume to the cat so that it looked like it was wearing a pink woolly hat. Then pretend you uploaded the project onto your account. The project that you remixed would say: "based on randomname_123's project" underneath, so that everyone would know that the project was actually made by randomname_123 and not you.
Happy Scratch-ing!