There seems to be quite a lot of publicity about these sensor boards so hopefully someone can answer my questions
1) I have heard a lot about the sensor board but I haven't seen or heard about any projects containg that technoligy
2) If I made a project with a sensor board would people without sensor boards be able to get anything seeing as they can't change the light etc.
3) Can you upload projects using scratch boards
and finally
4) Is there any difference betwenn the scratch board and the pico board or is one just more expensive?
If anyone can answer any or all of these questions please do
4) Only difference is the price
Toasty wrote:
There seems to be quite a lot of publicity about these sensor boards so hopefully someone can answer my questions
1) I have heard a lot about the sensor board but I haven't seen or heard about any projects containg that technoligy
2) If I made a project with a sensor board would people without sensor boards be able to get anything seeing as they can't change the light etc.
3) Can you upload projects using scratch boards
and finally
4) Is there any difference betwenn the scratch board and the pico board or is one just more expensive?
If anyone can answer any or all of these questions please do
Good questions.
1) There are not many projects posted out there which integrate a sensor board, hopefully that will slowly change.
2) Projects they view that are intended to be used with a sensor board, wouldn't respond as desired, seeing as they would need the sensors to feed values to Scratch.
3) You can indeed upload projects that use sensor boards. I have a few of my own on the site.
4) There is no difference physically. This quesion has been answered in several other strings on the forum.
Hope that's of some help!
I wish they would bring back the scratch board because there is a HUGE difference in the price.
I have some question to asking you.
I am creating about vocabulary games. I have create a picture when sprite 1 crashing to a point (anther sprite), then it will changed to picture (2 second), it will change from picture to vocab and return to point again.
Would you please help me. T T
do sensor boards and we do motors work on the scratch website?