The Kitten Attack Force is a collaboration between cpumaster930, coppearlix, and Survivorduck. We're creating a project based on this RPG; however, the project version will have a storyline and will most likely be a text-based RPG with some graphics involved.
Discussion thread for the Kitten Attack Force only. Please don't post if you're not in this collab team (unless you have a suggestion for our game).
I was alerted by the CyprusOyster Team of a certain collaboration including the users cpumaster930, coppearlix, and Survivorduck.
Is this the collaboration, and if so, am I entitled to join?
Vista4563 wrote:
I was alerted by the CyprusOyster Team of a certain collaboration including the users cpumaster930, coppearlix, and Survivorduck.
Is this the collaboration, and if so, am I entitled to join?
Hmmm...yes, this is probably the collaboration you're referring to...I'd have to talk to the others about letting in a new member, though.
So far:
Story/Writing: cpumaster930 and coppearlix
Programming: cpumaster930 and coppearlix
Art: Survivorduck
There's an eight-page game outline so far, although none of the programming has been built yet.
What would you add to the project if we let you in?
Mostly SFX and music. I compose my own, but I can use stock music if needed. Very experienced with MIDI blocks.
I also have experience in the art of drama, in case you'd like me to check over the script or voice act.
Vista4563 wrote:
Mostly SFX and music. I compose my own, but I can use stock music if needed. Very experienced with MIDI blocks.
I also have experience in the art of drama, in case you'd like me to check over the script or voice act.
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