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#1 2009-01-02 16:48:35

Registered: 2008-12-20
Posts: 4

Uploaded project doesn't work as it should

I recently uploaded this project, but it won't work correctly. The problem is that when the chaybra "accepts" the halter, it sends "done". And when sprite4 (it´s white, so you doesn't see it) recieve "done" it should say "Great! The chaybra now have learned to wear the halter!". All this is in the script, but when the chaybra neighs and sends done (atleast when it should send done) sprite4 doesn't say anything.

It works fine in the scratch program, but the uploaded game have this bug.

Why is it like this?

Also, another project, Chaybra Mania, have a similar bug that only appear on the uploaded verition. The stats (hunger, hygien and condition) doesn't appear at all.



#2 2009-01-02 16:59:44

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Uploaded project doesn't work as it should

The problem is that you have a "Stop All" block also being run off of the Done message.  For some reason, the "Stop All" block works faster online and is stopping the project before sprite4 has a chance to say it's message.  One way to fix this is to put maybe a "Wait 5" block before the "Stop All" block to give everything a chance to finish. 

There are several little things that are different between Scratch and the java player (online player).  It can be tricky to get your project to work well online.  The problem with the variables not displaying is a bug that has not yet been fixed.  The fix to that, is to make sure that your variables are showing when you save the project.  You can then hide them quickly when the Green Flag runs, but make sure they are showing when the project is saved.



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