Do you know about the "Sensing" block? It has a pull down on the right that lets you select any sprite. Then on the left side, you can select xposition, yposition, direction, etc., and it also lets you pick the "for this sprite only" variables of that particular sprite. If I understand what you're asking for, this block does it.
It's in with the blue sensing blocks and looks something like:
( [ ___ ] of [ ___ ] )
...That's the point. You can put for example, if you want Sprite 1 to point in the same direction as Sprite2, put
Point in direction [Direction of sprite2]
If you want him to go to the same x position but not the same y position,
set x position to [X Position of Sprite 2]
You can do this with it's costume, size, volume, x position, y position or direction