It think insted of showing just the first user who loved a project, there should be a love it Visualization, just like the remix Visualization
How exactly would that work? The remix virtualization has different branches which lead to nodes that represent remixes if that project, with branches off those nodes representing remixes of those projects, and so on. It's not like a love-it leads to anything else.
You could have the user who created the original project (if it had an original project) and the love its there and then the projects love its, and then the projects remix love its.
Wouldn`t this just be a list of the order of members who loved a project, in chronological order?
There should be some kind of variation xD
I'm with Harakou on this one - I don't particularly see the need for that... There isn't any kind of a "web" for love-its as there is with remixes, so a visualization wouldn't serve a great deal of a purpose.