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What Do You Struggle On Most On Scratch Or The Scratch Website?
I am working on a series that will go through all the big stuff on scratch and the scratch website and I have a lot of ideas but I would like to know what you guys think would be helpful. If I use what you say and I didn't already think of it, you will be in the credits.
Well maybe for me just:
1. Check out others projects! (My ratings: 5.5/10)
2. Pick up ideas from your real life! (My ratings: 10/10)
3. Play other websites and try to make games LIKE them! (My ratings: 8/10)
I have to say, I struggle with them both equally. My stupid glitchy IE browser won't let me view ANY Scratch projects on the website, so I struggle with staying connected with the latest projects, most popular, etc. I also have only finished one Scratch project and three are in progress, so I'm still relatively new to the scripts and blocks.
I have the most fun making Scratch projects and it seems to come naturally to me, but I still have trouble with it. In the end, I struggle with both!
In projects where sprites need to be "layered" (where it matters that one is in front of another, and a third sprite needs to be between them), getting this to work out can be somewhat messy trial and error. A better way to organize which sprite is in front of which other sprite would be nice.
EdnaC wrote:
In projects where sprites need to be "layered" (where it matters that one is in front of another, and a third sprite needs to be between them), getting this to work out can be somewhat messy trial and error. A better way to organize which sprite is in front of which other sprite would be nice.
I can help with that
Projects run MUCH faster in Flash (online) than they do in Scratch (locally). This makes big projects tough to work on - to debug/tryout my latest project, I had to upload and play it online. It would be nice if stuff ran about the same either way...
EdnaC wrote:
Projects run MUCH faster in Flash (online) than they do in Scratch (locally). This makes big projects tough to work on - to debug/tryout my latest project, I had to upload and play it online. It would be nice if stuff ran about the same either way...
Mind explaining a little more?
Mind explaining a little more?
Try this project on-line. It runs nicely. Download it and open it in Scratch - it runs at about 1/2 the speed. To debug it (which requires playing through it to make sure everything works OK), I had to upload, try it, make a change, repeat. Debug in Scratch is better, because you can stop the project and look at variable values, etc., but it was too painful to do because it ran so slow in Scratch. I hope this is fixed in 2.0 ?!
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