i have to create a hangman game at school when i get back form the holidays. i have started some of it so i have an idea of what to do when i get back. however i am stuck on how to create teh picka random word and how to cross of the letters once use and if right or wrong for the word. Any ideas please?
You can use mine to help, but don't copy it http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/thebriculator/1972075
pokeguy720 wrote:
Look at boltbait's hangman programming for help
i need help wigh hangman all scripts
I just put together a hang-man game of my own. It has zero glitches and functions perfectly. In my opinion, the only thing boltbait has on mine is his graphics and intro screen. And a few hundred more words (my dictionary currently only has 200 or so words). The scripting is efficient as well, with fewer scripts than boltbait's. Not a personal attack on him though. He's a good programmer. Anyway, you are more than welcome to use it, and you can click here to go to the project!
Last edited by Zparx (2012-02-11 04:56:58)
Zparx wrote:
I just put together a hang-man game of my own. It has zero glitches and functions perfectly. In my opinion, the only thing boltbait has on mine is his graphics and intro screen. And a few hundred more words (my dictionary currently only has 200 or so words). The scripting is efficient as well, with fewer scripts than boltbait's. Not a personal attack on him though. He's a good programmer. Anyway, you are more than welcome to use it, and you can click here to go to the project!
Your Good How could u make that wat do i look up on google
Your Good How could u make that wat do i look up on google
You don't google anything. I made it using my own knowledge with scratch. As far as what to script, I'm not really sure how to help you, as it's kind of difficult. It was for me, anyways. I'm sure they have something around the forums to help you. Good luck! And I want to see your Hangman game when it's complete! (: Happy scratching, my friend.