Sparks, maybe you could do it.
I'll add it after I vote on the elections.
Please, will someone add the following two lines to my (factorial of %n) block, right after the | answer t1store | ?
t1 isInf ifTrue:[^0]. t1 isNaN ifTrue:[^0].
The reason is that if t1 = Infinity Scratch will freeze, and I don't want to risk it with NaNs.
Last edited by Greenatic (2011-07-21 11:51:28)
I won't be able to do an update until tomorrow.
This is a bit embarrassing...
Meowmeow55, where is your BYOB sprite uploader?
sparks wrote:
here. Luckily it's in my history You'll need to log in though!
It kept logging me out when I put it in the URL bar!
scimonster wrote:
It kept logging me out when I put it in the URL bar!
It probably has something to do with the session IDs that phpBB uses...Try wandering around the forums for a bit, then going to the page. Or maybe your browser is using a cached copy?
sparks wrote:
the elections! I'm so nervous and excited! ... exervous? nervexited?
I voted for you... you deserve it!
I have a block, but it is having a fit about the double ifTrue:'s. So if anyone can help, Thanks.
First, make a new dropdown (for %Y) with choice of 'Infinite', and the menu should contain 'Infinite', 'Not a Number', and 'Too Small'.
('%s is %Y' #b #not: 'string' Number:)
not:t1Number:t2 t2 = 'Infinite' ifTrue: [t1 isInf ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Not a Number' ifTrue: [t1 isNan ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Too Small' ifTrue: [t1 isNil ifTrue: [^true]]. ^false
Last edited by TuragaTreeko (2011-07-22 09:23:16)
TuragaTreeko wrote:
I have a block, but it is having a fit about the double ifTrue:'s. So if anyone can help, Thanks.
First, make a new dropdown (for %Y) with choice of 'Infinite', and the menu should contain 'Infinite', 'Not a Number', and 'Too Small'.Code:
('%s is %Y' #b #not: 'string' Number:)Code:
not:t1Number:t2 t2 = 'Infinite' ifTrue: [t1 isInf ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Not a Number' ifTrue: [t1 isNan ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Too Small' ifTrue: [t1 isNil ifTrue: [^true]]. ^false
I think you're supposed to use ifNaN, not ifNan. Maybe that's messing it up.
Block request: (for panther)
delete costume [costume1]
delete background [background1]
This would be particularly useful when deleting costumes, backgrounds that you added using the save stage to background block.a motto too.
Last edited by LiquidMetal (2011-07-22 11:34:25)
Greenatic wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
I have a block, but it is having a fit about the double ifTrue:'s. So if anyone can help, Thanks.
First, make a new dropdown (for %Y) with choice of 'Infinite', and the menu should contain 'Infinite', 'Not a Number', and 'Too Small'.Code:
('%s is %Y' #b #not: 'string' Number:)Code:
not:t1Number:t2 t2 = 'Infinite' ifTrue: [t1 isInf ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Not a Number' ifTrue: [t1 isNan ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Too Small' ifTrue: [t1 isNil ifTrue: [^true]]. ^falseI think you're supposed to use ifNaN, not ifNan. Maybe that's messing it up.
Forgot a couple periods.
I'm not sure whether this is the right place to put it, but how about a (repition no.) variable block so for example you have a repeat (7) block and it tells you how many times it's repeated so far.
I'm not sure whether this is the right place to put it, but how about a (repition no.) variable block so for example you have a repeat (7) block and it tells you how many times it's repeated so far.
hmm, this would certainly save making a counting variable but I think that to link the reporter to a certain repeats loop wouldn't be possible without heavily editing Scratch...
poemon1 wrote:
('pi' #r #pi)
pi ^ 3.14159265('pi^2' #r #piRaisedToTwo)
piRaisedToTwo ^ 3.14159265 raisedTo: 2
Both of these can be acheived through other blocks.
scimonster wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
I have a block, but it is having a fit about the double ifTrue:'s. So if anyone can help, Thanks.
First, make a new dropdown (for %Y) with choice of 'Infinite', and the menu should contain 'Infinite', 'Not a Number', and 'Too Small'.Code:
('%s is %Y' #b #not: 'string' Number:)Code:
not:t1Number:t2 t2 = 'Infinite' ifTrue: [t1 isInf ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Not a Number' ifTrue: [t1 isNan ifTrue: [^true]]. t2 = 'Too Small' ifTrue: [t1 isNil ifTrue: [^true]]. ^falseI think you're supposed to use ifNaN, not ifNan. Maybe that's messing it up.
Forgot a couple periods.
Oh, where?
TuragaTreeko wrote:
scimonster wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
HEY! THAT WAS MY BLOCK! Oh, btw, it should be
objName_t1 instead.
Also, does anyone know whyCode:
absoluteValue:t1 [^t1 asPositive]doesn't work for
('|%n|' #r #absoluteValue: -5)ABS is already an implemented function.
^t1 absAnd the other code I posted works fine...
absoluteValue:t1 t1 < 0 ifTrue: [^ t1 * -1]. ^ t1Yeah, sorry bout that, (the abs thing), but I was the one who originally made the open user page and rename page, both work fine, and they haven't been added, and jslomba and poeman1 ended up getting the credit! mad: So, I am not happy.
sorry bout that
I'm not sure whether this is the right place to put it, but how about a (repition no.) variable block so for example you have a repeat (7) block and it tells you how many times it's repeated so far.
That's doable in BYOB, but I'm not sure about Scratch.
poemon1 wrote:
('pi' #r #pi)
pi ^ 3.14159265('pi^2' #r #piRaisedToTwo)
piRaisedToTwo ^ 3.14159265 raisedTo: 2
If you want to use Pi, you should use the Float class variable Pi, which is defined as:
Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288