TuragaTreeko wrote:
poemon1 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
changeNameTo: self objName: t1changeNameTo: t1
self objName: t1 asString
HEY! THAT WAS MY BLOCK! Oh, btw, it should be
objName_t1 instead.
Also, does anyone know whyCode:
absoluteValue: t1 [^ t1 asPositive].doesn't work for
('|%n|' #r #absoluteValue: '-5')
both fixed!
TuragaTreeko wrote:
poemon1 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
changeNameTo: self objName: t1changeNameTo: t1
self objName: t1 asString
HEY! THAT WAS MY BLOCK! Oh, btw, it should be
objName_t1 instead.
Also, does anyone know whyCode:
absoluteValue:t1 [^t1 asPositive]doesn't work for
('|%n|' #r #absoluteValue: -5)
ABS is already an implemented function.
^t1 abs
And the other code I posted works fine...
scimonster wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
poemon1 wrote:
changeNameTo: t1
self objName: t1 asString
HEY! THAT WAS MY BLOCK! Oh, btw, it should be
objName_t1 instead.
Also, does anyone know whyCode:
absoluteValue:t1 [^t1 asPositive]doesn't work for
('|%n|' #r #absoluteValue: -5)ABS is already an implemented function.
^t1 absAnd the other code I posted works fine...
absoluteValue:t1 t1 < 0 ifTrue: [^ t1 * -1]. ^ t1
Yeah, sorry bout that, (the abs thing), but I was the one who originally made the open user page and rename page, both work fine, and they haven't been added, and jslomba and poeman1 ended up getting the credit! mad: So, I am not happy.
TuragaTreeko wrote:
But I was the one who originally made the open user page and rename page, both work fine, and they haven't been added, and jslomba and poeman1 ended up getting the credit! mad: So, I am not happy.
Sorry about that... credit will be given correctly later today, when I run an update.
I checked the queue (sorry if I'm not supposed to be able to do that) and I noticed many blocks I shared here are not in the library or in the queue. I would provide links to the posts, but I don't know how to link to a specific post; only how to link to a page. Can anyone please tell me, so I can have them added?
EDIT: Scimonster also mentioned an improvement to the integer boolean. I think it should be implemented, and it should also be implemented where I used that code in the prime boolean. (credit: improved by Scimonster on both)
Last edited by Greenatic (2011-07-20 07:32:17)
Greenatic wrote:
I checked the queue (sorry if I'm not supposed to be able to do that) and I noticed many blocks I shared here are not in the library or in the queue. I would provide links to the posts, but I don't know how to link to a specific post; only how to link to a page. Can anyone please tell me, so I can have them added?
Sorry if we missed them! Also, you're fine to look at the queue, it's not a librarian-only area!
You know in the top left corner of every post in the blue bar, there's the time and date that the post was sent? That's a link! Simply copy the link location of that post and then send us that!
sparks wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
I checked the queue (sorry if I'm not supposed to be able to do that) and I noticed many blocks I shared here are not in the library or in the queue. I would provide links to the posts, but I don't know how to link to a specific post; only how to link to a page. Can anyone please tell me, so I can have them added?
Sorry if we missed them! Also, you're fine to look at the queue, it's not a librarian-only area!
You know in the top left corner of every post in the blue bar, there's the time and date that the post was sent? That's a link! Simply copy the link location of that post and then send us that!
I think these are the missing ones:
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 11#p812911 (w/ jslomba)
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 14#p817114
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 51#p817351
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 26#p817426
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 89#p817589
#1: Sorry if any of these are actually on there, and I didn't see them.
#2: The <%n is an integer?> block contains code to test if the number is a decimal.
As scimonster noted, it is much easier to do this:
^ t1 = t1 rounded
I think this should be implemented in the block, with credit to Scimonster for the improvement. In addition, the <%n is prime?> block contains the same code to test for a decimal. This should be changed as well, with credit to Scimonster for the improvement.
ssss wrote:
How do you check the queue?
On the first post of this thread, near the bottom of the post, you'll see an underlined sentence or two. The last character of it, an exclamation mark, is the link.
Greenatic wrote:
ssss wrote:
How do you check the queue?
On the first post of this thread, near the bottom of the post, you'll see an underlined sentence or two. The last character of it, an exclamation mark, is the link.
The signature.
scimonster wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
But I was the one who originally made the open user page and rename page, both work fine, and they haven't been added, and jslomba and poeman1 ended up getting the credit! So, I am not happy.
Sorry about that... credit will be given correctly later today, when I run an update.
Thank You!!!!!!!
hey, I just noticed you put my name twice on the block library statistics page, except one is spelled wrong. can you make the first one say [6] and delete the other one?
Last edited by jslomba (2011-07-20 08:20:29)
jslomba wrote:
hey, I just noticed you put my name twice on the block library statistics page, except one is spelled wrong. can you make the first one say [6] and delete the other one?
Yes, when I run my update. In a couple hours.
Scratch Blocks added: 26
by TuragaTreeko, improved by Scimonster
by TuragaTreeko
by poemon1
by Hardmath123
by Hardmath123
by Hardmath123
by jsombla
by Baderous
by Baderous
by Greenatic
by jslomba
by jslomba
by owetre18
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic and jslomba
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
by Greenatic
BYOB Blocks added: 1
by owetre18
Other updates: 8
Added how to make a cap block and how to remove a Stage monitor in the Glossary.
New Scratch Blocks contributors: SSSS, TuragaTreeko, poemon1, Baderous, Greenatic, owetre18.
Update carried out by block librarian: Scimonster
^updates archive
Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-07-21 04:39:25)
Scimonster, please note that I just fixed a bug in the <%n is prime?> block. The aforementioned changes also should be made.
Greenatic wrote:
Scimonster, please note that I just fixed a bug in the <%n is prime?> block. The aforementioned changes also should be made.
Yep, I know.
Oh, and scimonster, I just made 4 more blocks.
('max x' #r #MaxX) ('min x' #r #MinX) ('max y' #r #MaxY) ('min y' #r #MinY)
MaxX ^ self xpos + (0.5 * self width) MaxY ^ self ypos + (0.5 * self height) MinX ^ self xpos - (0.5 * self width) MinY ^ self ypos - (0.5 * self height)
I have some more to go, but I have to get off now.
Thank you.
Greenatic, I added them to the queue. I also included a link to your post with other links.
I'll try to add them tomorrow morning (for me).
~"teh almighty Scimonster" (I'm not feeling so almighty if I can't stay up late to do this though D: )
Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-07-20 15:09:00)
YourLocalBlockLib wrote:
I'll try to add them tomorrow morning (for me).
What timezone are you? (I'm pretty sure your timezone doesn't count as personal info, unless you happen to live in a remote desert island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. )
EDIT: Never mind, I looked at your profile. You're from Israel, right? Are you Jewish? No offence meant--after all, I'm Jewish
Last edited by Greenatic (2011-07-20 15:15:01)
Can anyone help me make a panther block called !$Color$ subtract $Color$! it is basicly the oposite of mix. Here is my code:
| t3 t4 t5 | t3_self colorR: (t1) - self colorR: (t2) t4_self colorG: (t1) - self colorG: (t2) t5_self colorB: (t1) - self colorB: (t2) t3 < 0 ifTrue [ t3_0] t4 < 0 ifTrue [ t4_0] t5 < 0 ifTrue [ t5_0] ^Color r:t3 g:t4 b: t5
When I run it it shows an error message complaining that there is nothing more expected for t4. If you work out how to fix it, PLEASE give credit to me!!!
TuragaTreeko wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
Oh, YES! . Please?Uh oh... sorry, I am on vacation now, but I believe Slash has the block. Look at the code and see what it is, I will check later.
Slash has indeed got that block. I hit edit elements to see the code. I didn't understand it. I think slash uses a different syntax.
Use the system browser.
TuragaTreeko wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
TuragaTreeko wrote:
Oh, YES! . Please?Uh oh... sorry, I am on vacation now, but I believe Slash has the block. Look at the code and see what it is, I will check later.
@Pecola1 Slash has some weird thing for the veiw code thing, and I don't understand any of it. Are you back yet? I would really love <3 the code for that. please.
Not back. ;( Cousin and her daughters are at sowing lessons, and the dads at work, so I have some time right now to use internet.
scimonster wrote:
rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
1) You should have shared this on the Library thread.
2) The code should beCode:
errorReporter ^ self errorThe code should be nothing. The selector can be #error, and it will work.
*facepalm* why didn't I think of that?
That's been shared too many times...
YourLocalBlockLib wrote:
Updated first post with:
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.php?user=sparks Sparks About Sparks
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.php?user=SSBBM SSBBM About SSBBM
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.ph … eSuccessor TheSuccessor About TheSuccessor
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.php?user=Pecola1 Pecola1 About Pecola1
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.ph … scimonster Scimonster About Scimonster
http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.ph … meowmeow55 Meowmeow55
This uses my API to show which librarians are online!
I added YourLocalBlockLib to the list too. http://blocks.scratchr.org/libstatus.ph … ype=square
And who deleted all the messages?