scimonster wrote:
sparks wrote:
Does it? What's wrong with it?
The guy looks a little... off.
Worse than mine? xD
Anyway, yeah, his does look a little... weird 0.o
wulfmaster wrote:
scimonster wrote:
sparks wrote:
Does it? What's wrong with it?
The guy looks a little... off.
Worse than mine? xD
Anyway, yeah, his does look a little... weird 0.o
His is just kinda exploding. Yours is... I guess a bit gross. XD
sci_test wrote:
wulfmaster wrote:
scimonster wrote:
The guy looks a little... off.Worse than mine? xD
Anyway, yeah, his does look a little... weird 0.oHis is just kinda exploding. Yours is... I guess a bit gross. XD
Lol. I'm NOT picking my nose! 8)
wulfmaster wrote:
sci_test wrote:
wulfmaster wrote:
Worse than mine? xD
Anyway, yeah, his does look a little... weird 0.oHis is just kinda exploding. Yours is... I guess a bit gross. XD
Lol. I'm NOT picking my nose! 8)
You told me already.
Just move your hand a little bit down and it should be fine.
sci_test wrote:
wulfmaster wrote:
sci_test wrote:
His is just kinda exploding. Yours is... I guess a bit gross. XD
Lol. I'm NOT picking my nose! 8)
You told me already.
Just move your hand a little bit down and it should be fine.
K, I spent an hour editting that picture 8)
I think it's my first great signature that I made
And, I think this is where a lot of people put a witty comment about the 60 second rule...
wulfmaster wrote:
sci_test wrote:
wulfmaster wrote:
Lol. I'm NOT picking my nose! 8)
You told me already.
Just move your hand a little bit down and it should be fine.K, I spent an hour editting that picture 8)
I think it's my first great signature that I made
And, I think this is where a lot of people put a witty comment about the 180 second rule...
An hour? O.0
It's not a bad sig; I do think you chose a good font, and it goes nicely with the background.
I think the Block Library suffers too much spam though...
sci_test wrote:
wulfmaster wrote:
sci_test wrote:
You told me already.
Just move your hand a little bit down and it should be fine.K, I spent an hour editting that picture 8)
I think it's my first great signature that I made
And, I think this is where a lot of people put a witty comment about the 180 second rule...An hour? O.0
It's not a bad sig; I do think you chose a good font, and it goes nicely with the background.
I think the Block Library suffers too much spam though...
I was hoping for a great signature. I had to convert between MSpaint and (Easier than using GIMP - Better go download that though xD)
And yes, yes it does. Wanna edit and add my draggable block in? xD
('Draggable' #r #draggable) <-- Reporter
('Draggable' #b #draggable) <-- Boolean
sci wrote:
We have a full queue of Scratch Blocks.
Librarians, want to add them? :3
And I'm sure Sparks will still work here, even if he becomes mod.
Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-07-17 08:30:50)
jslomba wrote:
hey sparks, will you still work on the block library if you win the mod elections?
Of course! I'm working hard on the website at the moment and I hope to continue to develop the library for some time yet!
How come a load of the potential moderators are commenting here and why does ssss have the same sig as wulfmaster?
sparks wrote:
How come a load of the potential moderators are commenting here and why does ssss have the same sig as wulfmaster?
idk, sorta creppy.
btw, how come my blocks that I shared a long time ago that never got put on aren't on the queue?
sparks wrote:
jslomba wrote:
hey sparks, will you still work on the block library if you win the mod elections?
Of course! I'm working hard on the website at the moment and I hope to continue to develop the library for some time yet!
How come a load of the potential moderators are commenting here and why does ssss have the same sig as wulfmaster?
SSSS is wulfmaster.
('if online then stop' #- #ifOnlineThenStop)
ifOnlineThenStop | t1 t2 t3 | t1_t2
('confirm %s' #b #confirm:)
no code needed
what it does: asks the user a yes/no question and is false if the user selects no, true if he/she selects yes
('alert %s' #- #inform:)
no code needed
^ 0.1
self evaluateCondition ifTrue: [self start]
('' #W #-)
(you don't give the block a name because the WhenHatBlockMorph class automatically adds the label.)
Scratch blocks> commandBlockMorph> all> uncoloredArgMorphFor: add a strip:
$Q = t2 ifTrue: [^ ChoiceOrExpressionArgMorph new getOptionsSelector: #dateTime;
choice: 'date'].
Scratch objects> scriptableScratchMorph> sensingOps:
^ #('date' 'short date' 'time' 'seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'day')
new blockspec:
('get %Q' #r #getTime: 'date')
(' %z as decimal' #r #decimalOf:)
decimalOf: t1
'1/2' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.5'].
'1/3' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.333333333'].
'1/4' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.25'].
'1/5' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.2'].
'1/6' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.666666666'].
'1/7' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.1428'].
'1/8' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.125'].
'1/9' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.111111111'].
'1/10' = t1 ifTrue: [^ '.1'].
if you have the (1/2 of ( ) ) block already, then you don't need to make the uncoloredArgMorph.
EDIT: oh wait, nvm, you added them. but why did sci say the (when <> is true) block was made by pecola1? I also made a [if <> bounce block] and a [open my stuff page scratch user [jslomba]] that both never got added
Last edited by jslomba (2011-07-17 10:49:22)
jslomba wrote:
EDIT: oh wait, nvm, you added them. but why did sci say the (when <> is true) block was made by pecola1? I also made a [if <> bounce block] and a [open my stuff page scratch user [jslomba]] that both never got added
The when hat was posted by Pecola first.
Can you repost those? ^^
Queued jslomba's blocks and added a link to the queue in the blocklib sig on the "!" so that librarians can get there faster! ~~~Sparks
Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-07-17 11:58:33)
YourLocalBlockLib wrote:
Queued jslomba's blocks and added a link to the queue in the blocklib sig on the "!" so that librarians can get there faster! ~~~Sparks
That was smart...
jsombla's blocks were added, did you see the bottom?
('open scratch user %s s my stuff page ' #- #Userlink: 'jslomba')
Userlink: t1
Cursor wait showWhile: [ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: '' , t1 asString]
jslomba wrote: … 212093.gif
('if %b bounce' #- #bnceIfBoolean)
bnceIfBoolean: condition
condition ifTrue: [self turnRight: 180]
Congrats on 600th post!
I added them both to the queue, and updated the logo on it.
WHen did launch? I havnt been active in this topic lately.