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#1 2008-12-08 20:44:19

Registered: 2008-12-08
Posts: 3

Dresing Up and Moving Help???

I made a little dress up for a first try, but when I 'shared' it the clothes and the monkey don't move. How do I get them to move so someone can put them onto the monkey?

Thanks, Duckie



#2 2008-12-08 20:47:10

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???

EmoDuckie wrote:

I made a little dress up for a first try, but when I 'shared' it the clothes and the monkey don't move. How do I get them to move so someone can put them onto the monkey?

Thanks, Duckie

You need to unlock your sprites so they can be dragged online...see this project for the control (a little padlock symbol)



#3 2008-12-08 21:20:04

Registered: 2008-12-08
Posts: 3

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???


I just tired it, One more question am I suppose to re-upload it? Because I tired that it and won't let me move them still. I'm not sure if other people can or not but I haven't been able to move them and when I click the green flag the monkey doesn't say Hello!



#4 2008-12-09 04:44:04

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???

EmoDuckie wrote:


I just tired it, One more question am I suppose to re-upload it? Because I tired that it and won't let me move them still. I'm not sure if other people can or not but I haven't been able to move them and when I click the green flag the monkey doesn't say Hello!

Yes, you did it right and it is working correctly for me.  When you replace an existing project on the web, your browser will not see the new version until it clears its cache.  Different browsers clear their cache in different ways, and it can depend on what you have for settings.  For me, I just shut the browser down and restart it and then I can see the new version online.  Kind of annoying but that's the way it is.



#5 2008-12-11 08:11:08

Registered: 2008-12-08
Posts: 3

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???

Oh okay, now I understand, Thank you.



#6 2008-12-12 17:25:14

Registered: 2007-11-06
Posts: 500+

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???

also remember, projects will work online more similerly as they would on presentation mode, so try not to test out your projects just as they are, but click the little projector like image at the bottom left of the project screen.



#7 2008-12-19 20:11:36

Registered: 2008-10-30
Posts: 9

Re: Dresing Up and Moving Help???

Under the Share button, in Scratch, you have a blocker. Just unlock it and it will be draggable  smile
Hope that helped!!

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