Hello! I am really new here. Some tips would really help me. If you know and good tutorials, please post a link. And once again, hello.
Hi and welcome!
You can find lots of useful information in the support area on the Scratch website here:
Or you can just find projects you like, download them and jump in and change them around. Depends on how you like to learn really. Good luck and welcome to Scratch!
Lightnin wrote:
Hi and welcome!
You can find lots of useful information in the support area on the Scratch website here:
Or you can just find projects you like, download them and jump in and change them around. Depends on how you like to learn really. Good luck and welcome to Scratch!
<say[ Welcome to Scratch! ]for( forever! )secs>
<show> all your projects!
Good luck on Scratch!
Hey Adrian
Hiya! welcome to scratch! This place is GREAT. The community, the games, and the well, "scratch". I suggest that if you'd like to be sucsessful, start as I did. Goto the open button then open the file of which you'd like to learn. Look at the scripts, then fiddle around with them!