I'm currently helping my son with a Scratch game project. His idea is that we'll create some 3d animation transitions (going down a wormhole, etc.) We did a test of one such sequence: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/AAAAAwinnerGLT/353598 (he was hoping to include a few of them in the game).
Now, this project doesn't finish loading on the website, which is obviously a problem.
My question, therefore, is: are there any tricks to incorporating several hundred costumes into a project, or is that kind of thing not really possible in Scratch? It seems like the issue is perhaps with the ScratchApplet, as Scratch itself has no problem handling the project.
A follow up to that would be: are there any ways of squeezing more compression while retaining image quality? I.e., known codec settings that get good results? Or, is it the case that when Scratch compresses images, it no longer matters what the original compression settings are?
I think it's a problem with the scratch player, because the same thing happens when you have too many sounds. I don't know any ways to compress it without losing quality, so it's probably going to have to stay not being able to load online.