(blocks)<say[ Hello ]for( 3) (/blocks)
Hi I am trying to use this site to teach adult students who have never use a computer something about computers and how to blog. I am new at this myself when it comes to creating a site like this one. Any adice is appreciated.
(block)<play drum( roll )for( 3 )secss>(/blocks)
seman wrote:
(blocks)<say[ Hello ]for( 3) (/blocks)
Hi I am trying to use this site to teach adult students who have never use a computer something about computers and how to blog. I am new at this myself when it comes to creating a site like this one. Any adice is appreciated.
(block)<play drum( roll )for( 3 )secss>(/blocks)
Well, welcome to Scratch! I'm sure you will find it an interesting place. You can sure learn a lot about computers when you try to make them do something with a script! Are there particular types of projects you are looking for that might be most helpful to you?
hello my name is 4801588177 and my friend's name is john, john says hi. dose anyone know how to add real music
Hello, I'm a sort iof beginner-novice at scratch.
ebinx wrote:
Hello, I'm Paul from South London, UK.
Scratch newbie, looking forward to finish first project dedicated to my son.
Hi Paul,
Welcome to Scratch! Feel free to ask any questions you like on the Forums. By the way...we don't allow links to commercial sites on these website so I modified your signature. Thanks for your cooperation.
I'm Nichtschwert and I'm also quite new to scratch. (Why else would I post here?!)
I'm currently working on a game called Z-apocalypse. It's far from done, but I'm eager to finish it.
This seems to be a nice community overall. Let's have fun and stuff. xD
Also: Hi to all the other newbies around here!
<repeat( 36
<turn cw( 10 )degrees>
<say[ Hi! ]for( 1 )secs>
Lanie wrote:
Wonderful addition the the forums its a great idea!
how did u get to be a player moderator?
littled1019 wrote:
Lanie wrote:
Wonderful addition the the forums its a great idea!
how did u get to be a player moderator?
What do you mean Player Moderator? Do you mean Forum Moderator? If so: First I had an interview with the Scratch team over the phone couple months ago then a week later they asked me to be a moderator and I accepted. The Scratch team chooses people who are nice, and helpful to the community. I do my best to do a good job so i don't disappoint the Scratch team. hope that answered your question...Scratch on Littled1019
Hey! I'm 4evermeg96! I just joined and I think this is really cool! Check out my projects, I've only made one so far but there's more coming!
Hey i'm new to scratch, been into programming a while, hope this is as fun as it seems w/ my first little 30 second project
- duck
(Yes, people really do call me that in real life)
Hi! I am sort of new here. I started off here before School started for me(Sept.) this year but I have been around. I have many friends on scratch and one of them I know in real life! I know him before I know him on here(it was Jamie !). I have been on the forums a few times and have not made too many projects(too busy looking at others!) but I have a good idea for one. I have recruited only one new person(RockerMONO) so far but hope to get many more. I have made a instant chat thing(irc room) that is for Scratch and there is a link to it(in my sig) and so far I haven't been told by the scratch team to shut it down so I hope it will become popular! I hope to use Scratch for a while(few years) long and enjoy it. Thanks for reading!
Hi, just joined and wanted to say hi suspended ebay account
I have been using scratch for VERY few days and i think i have already mastered it XD
Heres what i mean:
click here