Hello everyone. I am a new scratcher and I would like to know this: How do you get an animated icon? Many other people have it, and I thought it looked cool.
hey who has pivot stick figure animator ive got it
put yourself on my pivot gallery(its called PIVOT)
and put your icon as a pivot animation and email it to me and i will make it into a scratch
pokefan=hey who has pivot stick figure animator ive got it
put yourself on my pivot gallery(its called PIVOT)
and put your icon as a pivot animation and email it to me and i will make it into a scratch
I'm not quite sure how, but I THINK you need to just download the animation into a file that's NOT the My Picture file, then when it says to type in the name of the file, either type in the name of the file that the animation is saved in, or browse your computer for the file. I got an animated glitter word off www.glitteryourway.com once, and I accidentally saved it into the My Pictures file on my computer and it wouldn't animate. Happy Scratch-ing!
You might even be able to save a Scratch project animation and then use it as your avatar! I'm gonna try it! I'll get back to you when I've found out if you can! Happy Christmas!
I found this site because of the dancing santas...I had great fun putting my families faces on the dancin santas...... is there any others and how would I find them?
pokemon_master12 wrote:
You might even be able to save a Scratch project animation and then use it as your avatar! I'm gonna try it! I'll get back to you when I've found out if you can! Happy Christmas!
How? PLEEZ tell me!