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im making a mario game but cant get my enemys to move since its a scrolling game can anyone help
A scrolling game is a scrollX game (check out examples scrolling project). Okay rojscratches, get the enemy sprites to just move slowly toward the sprite OR say this. When Flag Clicked forever set x to (variable) scrollX + 480*0. If you want to add one more enemy then for the second do 480*1, each new sprite increases the 480*a number. These solutions might work, if not, then sorry I tried to help.
Archmage's projects are a great resource for learning to make platform games!
I checked out Archmage's project, the one you linked, but it didn't really help with my trouble. Can you maybe go to Ball Picker download it and check the problem? I am having serious issue with it.
Simple- assign your enemy sprites a new variable, like EnemyScrollX. Then put in this script:
The 0 in the first block is where your sprite will start in the game.
Now to make the enemy sprite move, instead of "change x by ()", use "change EnemyScrollX by ()". Like to make it walk back and forth, you can do this:
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-07-05 19:59:05)
Thescratch3 umm if you just did that programming you told me the enemies wouldnt move
thanks Kileymeister ill try that and its kind of wierd that you are the only scratcher instead of new scratcher that posted on this topic
rojasscratches wrote:
thanks Kileymeister ill try that and its kind of wierd that you are the only scratcher instead of new scratcher that posted on this topic
I was trying to help
btw how did you get blocks that were so perfect and not detatched in any way
Thescratch3 wrote:
I was trying to help
I know and ill try whatever anyone says to see if it works
Okay. Besides, the post before Kileymeister I was talking to fullmoon.
rojasscratches wrote:
btw how did you get blocks that were so perfect and not detatched in any way
You can save a picture of a sprite's scripts in the Scratch program by right-clicking some empty space in the scripts section and selecting "save picture of scripts", then upload that to an image site, then paste the text into your post.
It's kind of a drawn-out procedure, but I feel it's worth it to get a really clear picture.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-07-05 20:24:06)
Oh, I thought you used the blocks below posts . Anyway, (wait I already said the main thing about this post)
Thescratch3 wrote:
Oh, I thought you used the blocks below posts
. Anyway, (wait I already said the main thing about this post)
You can use either its just cooler to have a clear image
I was talking to Kileymeister.
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