It would be (rather) simple, simpler than Mesh, at least. Finally, you get to easily play or draw or just talk with your friends, making Scratch the best website ever!
A block would bring up a menu where you could sign in to your Scratch account and pick some friends. Those friends would get a notification like this:
The Scratch 2.0 website would say:
(username) wants you to join this ScratchConnect-enabled project! Accept or deny?
Clicking Accept would take you to the project where a message would pop up at the bottom saying "You have joined this project with x more people!"
More blocks would be included; you could show or hide them using a Edit menu option, so that would keep them hidden away for people who don't understand them, but shown when those people get the idea. They would be orange or yellow.
a block that reports the nth person to join
a block that reports the number of people
a block that sends the message "type something here" to other people
a hat that triggers when a message is sent
a block that reports the latest message
A chat interface could be included, allowing you to send predefined or custom messages to other people in the project. Remember, you can't join a ScratchConnect thing with people who are not your friends, and you could report messages if you get suspicious.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Quibbles? Ideas? Call 1-800-POST-A-COMMENT-BELOW-WITH-THE-HANDY-REPLY-BUTTON-UP-THERE-OR-THE-ONE-DOWN-HERE.
Last edited by scratchisthebest (2011-07-12 16:41:21)
sci_test wrote:
This is an interesting idea.
scratchisthebest wrote:
It would be (rather) simple, simpler than Mesh, at least. Finally, you get to easily play or draw or just talk with your friends, making Scratch the best website ever!
I think it would actually be much more complex than Mesh.
This would be neat...
kayybee wrote:
By the way, you can make almost duplicate links.
[color=blue][u]Accept[/u][/color]Change the color if you want a more accurate color.
Now the underline is blue.
Neat! I'll change that.
EDIT: The right color is #2A54AA, actually. I dug through CSS to find that out.
sci_test wrote:
scratchisthebest wrote:
It would be (rather) simple, simpler than Mesh, at least. Finally, you get to easily play or draw or just talk with your friends, making Scratch the best website ever!
I think it would actually be much more complex than Mesh.
Well, you could hide them if you don't want them or understand them-they would be hidden by default, and lots of sample projects could be included, demonstrating it.
Last edited by scratchisthebest (2011-07-12 16:42:01)