Just a few minutes ago, I used a carrot to give electrical charge, and connect a circit between the alligator clips.
What's the strangest, coolest, weirdest creation you've made with the PicoBoard?
The closest I've ever come to a sensor board was knocking over an Arduino Board a few years back.
BartM wrote:
scmb1 wrote:
I made a program that sensed whether a solution was tap water, salt water, or sugar water.
Hi, could you post your programm?
Sorry for the long delay, but here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/scmb1/1841917
I had the same idea ... just made one for myself .... In your application you state saturated solutions, however I found that a single teaspoon of salt gave me a reading of 28,4 and a single spoon of sugar 77,1. Fresh tap water is 84,6. I'm using 250 ml glasses. If I were to demonstrate this to students I would however use distilled water since the reading will be closer if not 100. the salt should then differ a bit as well as the sugar but that would be a simple calibration test. These boards are absolutely astounding ... I will be stabbing all kinds of fruit trying to find different readings. I like the graphics in the your program ... I did do a very nice alarm system with my pico board
Wow! I don't have my sensor board anymore but those would be cool if I did.