I'm working on an FPS, and one of the things I'm trying to do is have an ADS (Aim Down Sights) system. Unfortunatley, the way I have it scripted it is impossible to return to hip fire from ADS, unless you hit z before x, in which case it is impossible to return to ADS. Can someone help me out here I have no idea what to do. It's my only project shared please look.
Hey FPSer, looks like an interesting problem - I hope you find an answer! I'm going to move this topic over to All About Scratch since that is where people looking for scripting help should post.
Hold on let me think about the scripts for your problem. (solution in the All About Scratch one).
Thescratch3 wrote:
Hold on let me think about the scripts for your problem. (solution in the All About Scratch one).
Woops this the All About Scratch one .
Okay, so here it is:
1. check if you have a forever when you go down.
If not, then try this:
When flag clicked
repeat until key z (and, or) key x pressed?
if key z (and, or) key x pressed?
go to x (starting position) y (starting position) or glide to starting positions
go to ADS or back to hip.
Hope this helped. Good luck on your new game.