How do you set a countdown timer on Scratch?
It's a game about delivering food in time and the waitress has like a minute to do it but I don't know how to set the timer and minus 1 second each second.
You can't do that with the timer. You may reset the timer and count up to the designated time, but the timer can not count downward. If you really want you can make a variable and create a script saying,
[ wait (1) second]
[ change [timer^] by (-1)
/ ->^/
But don't forgot to set the timer to 60 or some other number before the forever loop
You can make a countdown timer. Something like this:
Image will show up when Dropbox works
Where you can change that 60 to whatever you need the max time to be.
Last edited by LS97 (2011-07-01 07:20:09)
You can use a variable as a timer, also.
Try this:
When flag clicked
Set (variable) Timer to 60
Say "Go!" for 1 secs
Repeat 60:
Wait 1 secs
Change Timer by -1
If Timer=0
Say "Time's up!"
Sorry for writing it out. I'm not good with the blocks yet on the forums.
Hope this helps!
Last edited by PlutoIsHades (2011-07-01 12:08:42)
Thanks soo much for the help
i just hope it works