I'm making a Pokemon game and wish to throw a Pokeball in the direction I am facing. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Script in pokeball:
When green flag Clicked
If key space pressed
go to player
point in direction(direction of player)
repeat until touching pokemon or touching edge
move ten steps
end repeat
end if
end forever
Last edited by ImagineIt (2011-07-01 22:43:20)
Since ImagineIt is correct, I'll tell you where the block you're probably looking for is. Go to sensing and look for the block that says costume# of sprite1 (sprite1 might not be right). Drag it out and change costume# to direction and sprite1 to the name of your player sprite.
Do you mean looks not sensing?
Well also you could do it like this:
When (key) pressed
point in direction (of player)
change x by pick random from something to something
wait 0.1 second
change y (till touching ground or whatever you want)
or you could do the same thing but put when flag clicked forever if or repeat until key space pressed (or whatever key you wanted).
Hope this helps! Good luck on your upcoming Pokemon game!