I think there should be an option to embed your projects into other players apart from the java one so that the following links are included where the embed link is now:
> Embed with Flash
> Embed with Java
> Embed with Experimantal Viewer Edit Mode
> Embed with Experimantal Viewer View Mode
> Embed with Offline Presantation Mode
> Embed with Offline Non-Presantation Mode
It would be fine if you couldn't include all of them but I think including all of them would be a brilliant idea!
Scratch Suggestions:
Post your thoughts...
Or just Flash and Java. Experimental viewer view mode is basically the Flash player. What do you mean by embed Offline presentation/non-presentation mode?
ihaveamac wrote:
Or just Flash and Java. Experimental viewer view mode is basically the Flash player. What do you mean by embed Offline presentation/non-presentation mode?
Like embedding presantation mode into a website!
Embedding Presentation mode sounds awesome, or at least being able to expand the window like you can on the Java version. I really don't like the Flash-player, as it breaks a lot of games on scratch, but since the Java version has no expansion option, I have to hope for the flash-embedding option. |:[
Nitezscratch wrote:
Embedding Presentation mode sounds awesome, or at least being able to expand the window like you can on the Java version. I really don't like the Flash-player, as it breaks a lot of games on scratch, but since the Java version has no expansion option, I have to hope for the flash-embedding option. |:[
I agree