It's been a very long time since I've used Scratch, so I'm a little rusty.
For school, I created a quiz that students can take after the presentation. I posted a glitched version online: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bman207/345397
I have the question box changes costumes after each question. It was working perfectly, until now.
My grade kind of depends on this, so please help me out.
Quick update.
To solve the problem I decided to set the costume to three after costume 1 (also question 1). However, as a result it refused to move on to question 2 and simply stopped working. For some reason It doesn't want to show costume 3...
Once again, I need some fast help.
bman207 wrote:
It's been a very long time since I've used Scratch, so I'm a little rusty.
For school, I created a quiz that students can take after the presentation. I posted a glitched version online: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bman207/345397
I have the question box changes costumes after each question. It was working perfectly, until now.
My grade kind of depends on this, so please help me out.
You need to add in a:
<wait until><< <not> <mouse down?> >>
after every When (sprite) clicked.
Troubles are because all scriptes "When Sprite Clicked" work independently of each other.
Try to make only one script "When Sprite Clicked". For exemple:
When Sprite3 Clicked
if Question#=1
| do something
| if Question#=2
| | do something
| else
| | if Question#=3
One more solution: you need add small pause (0.5 sec, i think) before changing variable Question#
Last edited by dimus (2008-12-09 04:44:14)
I think you shouldn't be changing the question number while the When Clicked events are still processing. I simplified your logic so that there was only one script being run when the sprite is clicked and it works fine