XplodingEggs wrote:
Thanks for posting this! But the last time I got a comment like that, I just simply deleted it, because it was just,
random not nice person wrote:
No offense, but this sucks.
So I deleted it. I think that it was not necessary to flag it, since I don't really mind, I hear that kind of thing all the time at my school (not about my projects, nobody else has even heard of scratch in my grade ) so I'm not really offended when somebody posts something like that. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.
And by the way TheSaint,TheSaint wrote:
I agree with andremsh
You spelled andresmh's name wrong, lol
I think 'no offense, but...' is just an excuse to say something offensive, for example:
person with idea wrote:
I'm gonna make agame with mazes, keys, doors, and teleporters!
mean person wrote:
no offense, but that sound really boring.
So, yeah delete it.
Ace-Of-Diamonds wrote:
Flag it, don't frag it
(it means shoot an explosive so basically 'attacking')
Heh heh heh. A war slogan: Nuke it, don't fluke it.
Last edited by bdn7 (2011-05-16 21:30:27)
andresmh wrote:
a) Disrespectful comments are not OK
b) Responding to disrespectful comments is also not OK.
c) People should flag disrespectful or inappropriate content, contact the Scratch Team and then ignore it. Do not respond to it publicly because this only creates a cycle of attacks.
i agree. not cool.
andresmh wrote:
b) Responding to disrespectful comments is also not OK.
Im sorry, once i responded but i thought i was mature because i said 'please don't yell at me or post links to your projects here.'
Was that bad? Am i going to get banned?
pokemongardevoir wrote:
andresmh wrote:
b) Responding to disrespectful comments is also not OK.
Im sorry, once i responded but i thought i was mature because i said 'please don't yell at me or post links to your projects here.'
Was that bad? Am i going to get banned?
It's OK. Most people on this thread have agreed that replying in a polite way is tolerated.
scimonster wrote:
pokemongardevoir wrote:
andresmh wrote:
b) Responding to disrespectful comments is also not OK.
Im sorry, once i responded but i thought i was mature because i said 'please don't yell at me or post links to your projects here.'
Was that bad? Am i going to get banned?It's OK. Most people on this thread have agreed that replying in a polite way is tolerated.
Good. I love Scratch way too much to get kicked off.
I will keep this in mind whenever I see a mean comment xD
For a slogan, why not have some of these?
Fight trolls with flags, they HATE bright colors!
Troll twice, flag twice.
Don't beat a mean comment. Stick a flag on it!
Don't light the troll's dynamite, it'll only cause the troll to get bigger.
That's all I got.
biscuts wrote:
why would people put inapropriate things in the 1st place
Probably because they either don't know it's not allowed or are ignoring the fact that the Scratch website is friendly for all ages.
I like the "Flag Don't Fight" slogan. Very catchy. Now its stuck in my head for the rest of the month.
this was a nice thread, great advice. but when someone says something like that, a fuse sort of ignites in my mind. ill try my best not to flame people. whenever i get into fights with my brother, its because i get angry at them. thanks scratch team. if not for you, this site would end up like the roblox forums! thanks
This is very good advice, my friend got a mean comment once and instead of replying to it, he just flagged it xD It`s so simple to avoid conflict!
The best slogan so far (By Ace-Of-Diamonds): Flag it don't frag it
A masterpiece, truly a masterpiece
I luckily don't get mean comments (Trolls, this is not a challenge *-*).
Flag, don't fight
Alright. I'll remember this. Perhaps you should sticky this topic, like with the curator thread? That would make people aware of this for a long time.
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littletonkslover wrote:
Argh, I really have to work on this.
I don't like flagging anything because it makes me feel really pathetic, like I'm to scared to tell them what they're doing wrong. I've seen a lot of bad projects, but have only flagged around two ^_^"
The people you are flagging dont see that you flagged them, only the Scratch Team can see who flagged it.