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#1 2008-12-08 16:00:11

Registered: 2007-04-10
Posts: 100+

project-related-comments in galleries and gallery-related comments....

It's a important information, why a certain project was added in a special gallery or what the owners of a gallery think of that project.
This comment could be given directly when adding in to gallery.It could be also the same than a gallery comment, only that it is connected to a special project of this gallery.
This would also be a good thing to connect program and gallery comments: You could choose one of your galleries at your project-comment or one of a galleries project at a gallery comment.
As the result both, the project and the gallery gets the comment. At the project comment you have a clickable picture of the gallery, at the gallery comment you have a clickable picture of the project.
There are multiple advantages:
1. You can build galleries about certain aspects of a projects and state that aspect direct at the project
     e.g.  a gallery  "projects that help you to learn a certain aspect of scratch" like
              a gallery that describes all of its projects in a certain language (e.g. german or spain :-)
2.  You have more traffic at the galleries because you see more of it in the project comments
3. Projects of a gallery get more interest, because you see the intention to put it to that gallery direct at the project
4. You get more intensive communication by 2 & 3

Also it's an answer to

kevin_karplus wrote:

What we need is something between this forum and a gallery:  we need galleries with substantial text possible for each project, not necessarily written by the project author.
Or we need how-to web pages, illustrated with projects, perhaps using a blog format (but we'd need a blog server that supported scratch uploads)

What do you think?

Last edited by MartinWollenweber (2008-12-08 17:15:24)

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