I have a confesion to make. I was Fire_Snake. I was not trying to join The_Virus, I was trying to get close to him to find ot more information. I had created a program with pearl that breaks passwords, and I was trying to destroy his operation. I was not trying to harm anyone. But now I know that he's just a stupid kid who wanted attention, so I will stop. I promise on the bible that I will not use my program again. I love scratch and want it to be safe for everyone.
Post a link to your program, I wanna see it.
I have a hard time believing that you could program a password cracker.
Last edited by archmage (2008-12-07 14:30:36)
Lanie wrote:
She or he is Fire_Snake the IP address is the same.
Really? If that's true then that is pretty funny.
I don't think anybody really remembers or cares about that at this point in time.
midnightleopard wrote:
I have a confesion to make. I was Fire_Snake. I was not trying to join The_Virus, I was trying to get close to him to find ot more information. I had created a program with pearl that breaks passwords, and I was trying to destroy his operation. I was not trying to harm anyone. But now I know that he's just a stupid kid who wanted attention, so I will stop. I promise on the bible that I will not use my program again. I love scratch and want it to be safe for everyone.
Thanks for telling the truth. (even though i have absolutly NO idea what ur talking about! lol)