This is the official Gopher 2.0 development thread.
Here is our progress in Gopher 2.0:
# = Undone
# = Almost Done
# = Done
Lots more blocks, blocks, blocks! [A lot of credit to jslomba]
[ 80% Complete]
Gopher 2.0
Gopher 1.3
Gopher 1.1
Gopher 1.0
Download Gopher Here
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Go to Gopher Website
Developers Status:
WindowsExplorer (Head Programmer):
jslomba (Programmer):
GP1 (Website Programmer):
bbbeb (Programmer):
nathanprocks (Blockspec Designer):
flashgocrazy (Moderator):
Jordach (Graphics):
[View credits here]
The next version will be Gopher 2.0, and will be out in a few months, but util then, scratch on!
Gopher 1.5 Beta might be out soon, so keep checking back!
Last edited by WindowsExplorer (2011-12-03 09:14:17)
Well, I'm only learning squeak, and I have A LOT of other things on my To-Do list! You can help me though. Could you give me the code to add a mesh menu to my mod, and help me create a working compiler?
jslomba wrote:
Ok! Post the code as a reply in the lastest gopher development thread when you get the chance!
To add a mesh menu to gopher, file all of these in.
To file something in, turn off fill-screen mode, open a workspace, paste one of these codes in, highlight all the code, then click the little button above the scroll bar, click more, and then click file in.
'From Gbear605 [No updates present.] on June 6, 2011 for Adding mesh to Scratch'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'intialization'! createMenuPanel | t1 t2 | menuPanel _ AlignmentMorph new color: Color transparent; centering: #center; inset: 0; height: 0. self addShortcutButtonsTo: menuPanel. t1 _ #((#File #fileMenu:) (#Edit #editMenu:) (#Share #shareMenu:) (#Help #helpMenu:) (#Mesh #meshMenu:) ). AllowSharing ifFalse: [t1 _ t1 select: [:t3 | t3 second ~= #shareMenu:]]. t1 do: [:t3 | t2 _ ScratchMenuTitleMorph new contents: (t3 at: 1) localized; target: self selector: (t3 at: 2). menuPanel addMorphBack: t2. #meshMenu: = (t3 at: 2) ifFalse: [menuPanel addMorphBack: (Morph new color: Color transparent; extent: 12 @ 5)]]. topPane addMorph: menuPanel! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! meshMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 localize. #(1 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ false. t2 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! !
Then save the image, and restart scratch. There should now be a mesh menu.
jslomba wrote:
only 10 new blocks? I can get you 50
Can you give me the codes for 50 new blocks when you have the chance?
WindowsExplorer wrote:
Gopher 1.1 is now released!
awesome! can I pick it up and work on it?
also, I noticed that there is no icon on the desktop for gopher, and I think the installer is kinda unnessecary.
Last edited by jslomba (2011-07-17 18:19:11)
Shift-click the file menu, then 'Dev Mode [+]' but it is password protected. I will be telling the developers the password in version 1.3.
WindowsExplorer wrote:
Gopher 1.3 won't be released for 2 - 3 weeks though!
But I'm working on it right now!
If anyone can help me create a website just like scratch where you can share your projects, I will officially call them a developer, and give them the developer password.
WindowsExplorer wrote:
If anyone can help me create a website just like scratch where you can share your projects, I will officially call them a developer, and give them the developer password.
Heh. I can get the Dev password easily
I suggest you ask a moderator kindly if they can rename the topic: Gopher Development Thread.